After years of waiting for T-Mobile USA to update their systems... They've finally done it. New York was launch on May 2, 2008. There were many expeculations that they would only relase 3G Voice, but not 3G Data; what's the point right? Well, finally they released 3G with Voice and Data. What's Even better news is that it seemed that they would use a 1700 MHz frequency and that would suck... but I spoke with a "special Tech. Team" department and I was told the lauched it using 2100 MHz... what does it matter? who cares? well, for one, T-Mobile Phones suck (service and price plans are the BEST)... i've used PDA's from Cingular (Now AT&T) from the beggining; like Treo 650, 680, 750, and Centro... but now just upgraded from iPhone to the new iPhone 3G and one of the frequencies in the iPhone 3G is 2100 MHz. The person I spoke with added that T-Mobile should complete the upgrade to 3G by the end of this year; AWESOME!!!
credits: T-Mobile Rep.,
credits: T-Mobile Rep.,