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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 3, 2009
Hi everyone

I just recently bought a Gevey 3G sim and it seems to not have any signal at all. It would have signal for 3-5sec then drops and it goes "searching or no service", it'll do the same every 5-10min. Does anyone else having this problem?

Also can it be the iPhone itself?

Thank you so much for all of your help.
Iphone totally locked and cant find out how to unlock!! please help******

I am trying to find out how to unlock my iphone 3g running 2.2.1 but the link in this forum says how to unlock 2.1 and dated from last year... does any one have any idea where i can find instructions to unlock my iphone as i can only make emergency calls on it right now its completely locked... with the itunes and CD image on the screen... its on base band 02.30.03... please help:confused:
Thank you for all the responds.

I am currently on 2.2.1 and 2.30.3 with bootloader 5.9

I don't think i can software unlock.

Would you think it's the sim that's loosing signal or the phone itself?
thanks for your respond,

I have a T-mobile G1 phone.. would you think I can put that sim adapter to the G1?
you should jailbreak your phone first. that's what I did. then i put the gevey with the sim card in the phone AFTER i turned it on and I got a confirmation screen saying decline and accept. just saying thanks for trying.

then it searched for signal for a long time and the T-Mobile sign wouldn't show up so i went to settings and selected airplane mode and then unselected it.

After this I got signal and I haven't lost signal at all since then.

A T-Mobile representative also told me it's a good idea to turn on and off the phone at least 2 times a week to keep the signal coming to the phone since its unlocked with a turbo sim.
So I decided to give it a try what jmann told me to do. And it actually worked on the G1(which I thought it wouldn't be even possible to fit)

And I end up having full signal on the G1 Google phone.
Can that mean it's the Iphone itself?
^^ did you try what I said? I got a no signal problem today ;[ and I did the same steps. took out sim with phone on, put sim back in toggled airplane mode then it told me thanks for using gevey 3g and i received signal again.
I'll update you tomorrow when I get my iphone back. Thank you so much latina girl for helpin me out. You got any IMer I can contact you with for this situation?
You can also try it with 3g turned off, then switch airplane mode on and off. My Gevey works on Vodafone UK but not with 3g only 2g, but other than that it is fine.

thank you all for helping me.

but it seems like the solution you guys are helping me with is not working at all

what happen is: i would get signal from 5bars to 1 bar within 30sec-1min and it goes to 0 bars then it goes searching again then have 5bars to 1 bar.

airplane mode: what i've done was switch to airplane mode if I get no service and turn off airplane mode then 5 bars goes back on then it goes right back to no bar.

I guess I will have to wait for my sim adapters to come today and hopefully it'll work.

thanks guys for updating me and please keep on helping. I really appreciate it! Thank you!

So today I was pretty depressed about the iPhone 3G not working so I decided to go to the AT&T store and told them that I want to sign up for a plan so I can check if it's the iphone that's not getting service and what they did was they got one of their employee's simcard and putted in and it shows no signal neither(no bars would show x_ _ _ _ _)
They told me it was because I have jailbroken it? Can that be the cause?

So i've just got the 2 sim card i've ordered. it doesn't seem like it's the problem.

anyone want to give me another guide to jailbreak instead of iclarified?
Mods please lock this.

I've learned that it has been water damaged when i went to the apple store. Sorry for making yall help me for so long. And if you are ever planning to buy an iPhone please stay away from ebay name: dystern or

Sold me a water damaged phone.
iphone 3g with gevey sim and 3.0 update

Hi guys i would like to know that if its true that a gevey sim Plus 2 wont work on a iphone 3G updated on 3.0. if so should i jailbreak my phone or should i wait until gevey comes out with a sim that is compatible?? please help:confused:
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