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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 7, 2009
Hey All,

Ok, I was very excited about going to OS 3 on my 3G iPhone this morning that I didn't think about "unhiding" all the apps which are hidden with the "categories" app.

When I upgraded to 3.0 and then Jailbroke using redsnow, everything went fine but most of my apps are missing (actually, hidden). Even my "settings" app is hidden.

Bad move I know. :(:(:(:(

Anyone got any ideas on how to resolve this?

No answers yet to this problem ??? Cant this be sloved .. i am in a huge fix ..
plz help !!!
A search would have found you the answer.

Restore your phone and either Set up as a New Phone or Backup from a time BEFORE you had the icons hidden.

Could also try re-jailbreaking and put the icons back, however for most users that does not work.
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