Hey All,
Ok, I was very excited about going to OS 3 on my 3G iPhone this morning that I didn't think about "unhiding" all the apps which are hidden with the "categories" app.
When I upgraded to 3.0 and then Jailbroke using redsnow, everything went fine but most of my apps are missing (actually, hidden). Even my "settings" app is hidden.
Bad move I know.

Anyone got any ideas on how to resolve this?
Ok, I was very excited about going to OS 3 on my 3G iPhone this morning that I didn't think about "unhiding" all the apps which are hidden with the "categories" app.
When I upgraded to 3.0 and then Jailbroke using redsnow, everything went fine but most of my apps are missing (actually, hidden). Even my "settings" app is hidden.
Bad move I know.
Anyone got any ideas on how to resolve this?