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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 5, 2009
Hi all

I know that there are several posts about jailbreaking the 3.1 update on the iPhone 3G but I am reading them all and just managing to confuse myself more so I have a question for you.

I have an iPhone 3G (NOT a 3GS)
It is currently running version and is jailbroken, and unlocked (using ultrasn0w)
I have downloaded the new Pwnage Tool today (version 3.1)

If I use iTunes to download version 3.1 but don't install it to my phone, can I then use the IPSW downloaded from Apple, jailbreak it using Pwnage Tool, put it on my phone, and then unlock it using ultrasn0w again?

My main question is really about sourcing the IPSW3.1 - is the Apple version ok to use, so long as I run it through Pwnage Tool before installing it onto my iPhone if I want to preserve the unlock.

Thanks guys, and sorry if it is a silly question.

You can download the file you want here. For future reference, there are links to download all firmware files in the second post of the first sticky thread on this forum.
Thanks for your replies guys.

I'm pleased to report that my 3G is now running software version 3.1 and is jailbroken and fully unlocked! A productive nights work :)
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