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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 20, 2008
i learned my lesson when my first iphone 1.0 was stolen in the subway, and i didn't realize there was app called an iphone LoJack to track down stolen iphone, so i didn't have that app installed at the time.

now, i just bought an iphone 3g today. I don't want to repeat the same mistake again. is there anyway to track down this iphone 3g IN CASE of theft? could i still install that lojack app? is it compatible with 3g version? (but i think i would need to jailbreak the phone, right?).

just trying to be cautious this time. all advices are welcome.
omg. how did you lose it 4 TIMES? did you have any insurance? i lost mine only after 2 months, fortunately my CC covered it.
Iphone 3g Lojack System

I've spent the last 2 days figuring all this out. Since, everything else i found online is outdated/doesn't work. Here's how you can track you're iphone 3G online with gps. (1.) you have to jailbreak your phone here's a good tutorial on how to do that: and it works for the 3g with 2.1 firmware. (2.) After this is done, install backgrounder which you can find on cydia. (3.) Install gps tracker which is available for free in the apple app store and setup an account with them. Also, you will need to set it to run in the background you do this by holding the home button for 3 seconds(note this only happens if you've already installed backgrounder). (4) If you're like me and don't want to password protect the whole phone. you can download lockdown from the apple app store also for free and install it to lock down individual apps such gps tracker and anything else you don't want messed with if someone gets a hold of your phone.
(4) If you're like me and don't want to password protect the whole phone. you can download lockdown from the apple app store also for free and install it to lock down individual apps such gps tracker and anything else you don't want messed with if someone gets a hold of your phone.

Care to post a link to this app? I can't find it (it might not be in the NZ App store?)

There are also a few Cydia apps that do this. Cylay. It tracks your phone, backs up info and can wipe it I think.

I don't know the difference between trial and VIP. VIP is $19.99/year for their peace of mind. I dunno, I have the same thing for my Macbook Pro from Orbicule and it was $20 for lifetime.

EDIT: Some more information for you
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