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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 28, 2008
well, just got myself a 8gig 3G n m loving it. (it jailbroken n unlocked with turbo sim). But I have some questions.

1. Where are the winterboard apps stored on the phone?

2. Can I mod the 3g just like I used to mod my old 2g iphone? I mean going into library> n modifying the battery n stuff?

3. Any site which can give paths to different files? Like where to replace badge graphics.

4. How do I modify my 3g artwork file? Any tutorials on this?

5. Can I use diskaid to browse the files on my 3g on my computer? Which program would be the best on a windows system?

I know they are a handful. But it shouldn't take much time I am sure :)
All my answers are written in BOLD

well, just got myself a 8gig 3G n m loving it. (it jailbroken n unlocked with turbo sim). But I have some questions.

1. Where are the winterboard apps stored on the phone?
Root > Applications > Themes.xxxxxxxxx > All your theme files will be here

2. Can I mod the 3g just like I used to mod my old 2g iphone? I mean going into library> n modifying the battery n stuff?
If you are using Winterboard its a lil different. Like there are directories, lets say you downloaded a matrix theme upon browsing to the directory listed above. You will see all your themes will have their own folder to create your own just create a new folder in the theme name you want, and then add the wallpaper, dock, and icons accordingly to the naming convention

3. Any site which can give paths to different files? Like where to replace badge graphics.
Badge? Im assuming the network name etc? The easiest i have found was to download winter board and usinv SSH and WINSCP to access the phone files, and go into the Themes DIR and make your own, ie i used: At&T Logos > Bundles > etc

4. How do I modify my 3g artwork file? Any tutorials on this?
Please elaborate more

5. Can I use diskaid to browse the files on my 3g on my computer? Which program would be the best on a windows system?
You can install SSH via Cydia and then use WinSCP if you are on windows.

I know they are a handful. But it shouldn't take much time I am sure :)
well, just got myself a 8gig 3G n m loving it. (it jailbroken n unlocked with turbo sim). But I have some questions.

1. Where are the winterboard apps stored on the phone?

2. Can I mod the 3g just like I used to mod my old 2g iphone? I mean going into library> n modifying the battery n stuff?

3. Any site which can give paths to different files? Like where to replace badge graphics.

4. How do I modify my 3g artwork file? Any tutorials on this?

5. Can I use diskaid to browse the files on my 3g on my computer? Which program would be the best on a windows system?

I know they are a handful. But it shouldn't take much time I am sure :)


Would you care to share how did you unlock it with turbo sim?
I have a turbosim just do not know what to do with it (do you have to program it, etc.)?
Also, how is the reception with turbo sim?
Just google rebel sim n their web site gives you detailed description of how to use it. U just have to cut a small part of your sim (it is simpler than it sounds, n it won't harm your sim) n insert it alongwith the rebel sim in your sim tray. The reception is great n I have no problems in using any of the phone's functions
apn settings

could you tell me your apn settings you are using with turbo sim and tmobile?
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