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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 5, 2009
.i'm using an iPhone 3G with 04.26.08 Modem Firmware...

i used PwnageTool_2.2.5, loaded iPhone1,

Now i was only able to make it work by leaving the activation box on Pwnage.. because everytime i let it for itunes to activated it, it didnt would give me a error....i also didnt install the installer..

I have the new version of iTunes, and the phone is new, didnt buy it form someone else..

when i look in -about- under -carrier- i get (null) (null) what does that mean??

it wount let me

when i plug my iPhone to iTunes and press restore to normal settings, it never finishes..and it leaves me with a pictures of the USB with an arrow pointing up to a Logo of iTunes
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