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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 22, 2009
Hi guys.... I recently opened my iphone to replace the sensor/ear speaker cable since the ear speaker wasn't working. After that, it started to behave badly. I mean the brightness slider wasn't working even if auto brightness set to off and i got those damn white screens. So i decided to restore back to 2.2 but couldn't get past errors 1604/1601/1611/1600. I tried on different pcs and nothing so I updated to 3.0 and it began to restore but was stopped as the bar was almost 70% full and itunes showed error 1013. I managed to get it out of recovery mode and jailbroken it. I noticed that my baseband was still 2.28 and couldn't unlock my iphone using both ultrasnow or yellow snow....... What should I do?

Note : I have tried absolutely anything to try and restore back to 2.2 with no success.... I used different pcs with xp and vista, I used mac os x hackintosh on my pc and tried different usb ports and still get errors 1600/1604/1601/1611.

If it started to behave badly after you opened it up, then you might wanna put 2 and 2 together. :) I'm not saying you're not experienced in opening up iPhones' but since you say that after you did this things went awry maybe something has happned to the hardware.
Should i shift+restore to restore to the firmware. When I try that it always returns errors like 1600/1601/1611/1604 even when in DFU Mode. I was only successfull to upgrade using itunes's restore and update.
I'd give it one more try with shift restore, but like the other poster noted, you may have done some damage, perhaps to the usb connector in the phone
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