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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 17, 2009
Does anyone use their Iphone to listen to IHeartRadio or WunderRadio? I like to use it at work to listen to different stations but it makes me wonder if my battery is ok. I have wifi turned off and 3g off so I am using EDGE and I am getting about 4.5 hours usage with 22% battery remaining. Does this seem right or should I hook up my iphone via USB while at work to save battery?

This is my second 3gs as my first definetly had battery issues.
Does anyone use their Iphone to listen to IHeartRadio or WunderRadio? I like to use it at work to listen to different stations but it makes me wonder if my battery is ok. I have wifi turned off and 3g off so I am using EDGE and I am getting about 4.5 hours usage with 22% battery remaining. Does this seem right or should I hook up my iphone via USB while at work to save battery?

This is my second 3gs as my first definetly had battery issues.

You are using a constand Edge data connection. I'd be very surprised if you could get more than 5 hours in that situation, so your experience is right on the money. Think of it this way: if you were spending 4.5 hours in a call, would you expect your battery to survive longer?
If you use WiFi instead of EDGE, the battery should last longer. Maybe not 2x longer, but maybe 1-2 hours more.
You are using a constand Edge data connection. I'd be very surprised if you could get more than 5 hours in that situation, so your experience is right on the money. Think of it this way: if you were spending 4.5 hours in a call, would you expect your battery to survive longer?

No WIFI is available here in the office. It's locked up!! :(

Would it be better to run 3G instead of EDGE? Would it be better to stay hooked up to my PC with the USB while using these programs? I just don't want to hurt the battery by staying hooked up to the USB.
It won't hurt the battery to be plugged in. When the iPhone is fully charged, then it quits charging. No damage.

Secondly, you MAY be better off on 3G, based on what I've read, but I'm not sure. I don't have 3G where I'm at. I plug my iPhone in constantly (rarely let the battery get below 70 percent). Hasn't hurt mine at all. Same with my iPod Touch.
I don't think with streaming media that 3G would give you better battery life than EDGE. The battery savings of 3G are based on the decreased transmission time (one second of 3G uses less battery than 10 of EDGE); but with streaming media you are always downloading. Wireless data in general is just really draining on a battery.

Leaving your iPod plugged in should not be a problem at all. Once the battery is fully charged, the iPhone's built-in charging circuitry will switch the phone to run entirely off of USB power and won't drain the battery at all. That's what I would recommend, personally.
I have a 3g iphone.

Battery is getting completed drained.

I have it plugged into a charging unit/speaker.
Listening to a radio app, as the station is unavailable on conventional radio, and the battery is still draining. If I use it to listen to the ipod its fine and it is charging, so that is not the problem. It is only when I listen to the radio app
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