===New Info===
GeoHot has done it again. The 3GS Jailbreak is live. From his twitter:
Windows only right now, just an .exe, download it and run it! Ultrasnow works out of the box, use the same method as was used on the 3G.
===Older Info===
Looks like we'll be seeing a Jailbreak soon. As MuscleNerd had alluded to previously, the baseband of the 3GS is compatible with UltraSn0w. Great news for those holding out for an unlock before buying. Also of note is to read this: http://iphonejtag.blogspot.com/2009/06/usbdump-huh-how.html Just to make sure you get the ECID stored now.
Edit: DevTeam has more info, including a CONFIRMATION (here is looking at you jstigall) that UltraSn0w is compatible:
GeoHot has done it again. The 3GS Jailbreak is live. From his twitter:
AND ITS LIVE -- 3GS JAILBREAK -- http://purplera1n.com/
16 minutes ago from web
I just got a call from the weatherman and he's predicting ra1n very shortly.
Windows only right now, just an .exe, download it and run it! Ultrasnow works out of the box, use the same method as was used on the 3G.
===Older Info===
Looks like we'll be seeing a Jailbreak soon. As MuscleNerd had alluded to previously, the baseband of the 3GS is compatible with UltraSn0w. Great news for those holding out for an unlock before buying. Also of note is to read this: http://iphonejtag.blogspot.com/2009/06/usbdump-huh-how.html Just to make sure you get the ECID stored now.
Edit: DevTeam has more info, including a CONFIRMATION (here is looking at you jstigall) that UltraSn0w is compatible: