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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 7, 2009
===New Info===
GeoHot has done it again. The 3GS Jailbreak is live. From his twitter:
16 minutes ago from web
I just got a call from the weatherman and he's predicting ra1n very shortly.

Windows only right now, just an .exe, download it and run it! Ultrasnow works out of the box, use the same method as was used on the 3G.

===Older Info===

Looks like we'll be seeing a Jailbreak soon. As MuscleNerd had alluded to previously, the baseband of the 3GS is compatible with UltraSn0w. Great news for those holding out for an unlock before buying. Also of note is to read this: Just to make sure you get the ECID stored now.

Edit: DevTeam has more info, including a CONFIRMATION (here is looking at you jstigall) that UltraSn0w is compatible:

Looks like we'll be seeing a Jailbreak soon. As MuscleNerd had alluded to previously, the baseband of the 3GS is compatible with UltraSn0w. Great news for those holding out for a jailbreak. Also of note is to read this: Just to make sure you get the ECID stored now.

Jailbreak does not equal unlock, and the baseband has nothing to do with jailbreaking. The bootrom happens to be the same, so they can upload their own code and execute it.
Sweet, so the exploit present in the iPod Touch 2G jailbreak that was released over 5 months ago can be used to jailbreak the 3GS and most likelly also unlock the new iphone with ultrasnow.
Great news, I think we'll see a jailbreak for the 3GS soon.
Jailbreak does not equal unlock, and the baseband has nothing to do with jailbreaking. The bootrom happens to be the same, so they can upload their own code and execute it.

While that would be true, I wasn't talking about the bootrom, I was talking about the baseband, which IS the same and IS unlockable via UltraSn0w. This is from MuscleNerd's (if you don't know who he is or why he is important, google him) twitter: @mikehindman not to get anyone's hopes up too early, but it's looking like ultrasn0w will be multi-platform :) That was about 5 hours ago. Thanks for playing.
Wirelessly posted (iPhone 3G (white): Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A341 Safari/528.16)

Excellent news!!! I got my 3GS about two hours ago (they just launched in Japan today!) and I can't wait to jailbreak this thing. I finally have an iPhone that won't slow down to an excrutiatingly slow crawl if jailbroken. Sign me up!!
Wirelessly posted (iPhone 3G (white): Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A341 Safari/528.16)

Exceent news!!! I got my 3GS about two hours ago (they just launched in Japan today!) and I can't wait to jailbreak this thing. I finally have an iPhone that won't slow down to an excrutiatingly slow crawl if jailbroken. Sign me up!!

Read this little how-to on backing up your ECID from your 3GS:
Maybe when everything is worked out we wont have to go thru that.
I dont feel like putting my iphone in DFU mode and restore everything all over again.

You don't actually have to restore it. Just put it in DFU mode, open up system profiler and grab the ECID. When you are done, put that in the page at After that, just restart the phone, no restore necessary!
Cool i might jailbreak when its availbale but as of now i am quite satisfied with the way it is (atleast for now)
Aside from unlocking, is there any reason to use jailbreak now? I guess backgrounding for like the radio applications would be a highlight (as well as stuff like pedometers, etc.)...but other than that, hasn't 3.0 covered most of the things people wanted?
Offcourse not, theres tons of things you can do with a jailbroken iphone besides whats available at 3.0

Aside from unlocking, is there any reason to use jailbreak now? I guess backgrounding for like the radio applications would be a highlight (as well as stuff like pedometers, etc.)...but other than that, hasn't 3.0 covered most of the things people wanted?
Wirelessly posted (iPhone 3G (white): Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A341 Safari/528.16)

Niiro13 said:
Aside from unlocking, is there any reason to use jailbreak now? I guess backgrounding for like the radio applications would be a highlight (as well as stuff like pedometers, etc.)...but other than that, hasn't 3.0 covered most of the things people wanted?

VoIPOver3G, Winterboard, SBSettings, SBNotify.
Aside from unlocking, is there any reason to use jailbreak now? I guess backgrounding for like the radio applications would be a highlight (as well as stuff like pedometers, etc.)...but other than that, hasn't 3.0 covered most of the things people wanted?

I would Jailbreak for backgrounder (defeats having pandora if I can't do anything else like surf at the same time) and to customize the look.
I agree.
And with a faster processor and more ram backgrounder would be smoother on the 3GS.

Speaking of that, apparently the word on the street is that emulators (remember the PSX emu?) are able to run at damn near full speed on the 3GS.
Well, if the 3Gs is still vulnerable to the same exploit found months ago, the cat must be asleep. :p

No, its just for development reasons, I think the cat allowed the iPhone 3G S⃣ to be this way (remember that strange identifier back in October advertisement data?). So I bet, Apple said, whatever, lets concentrate on making the next iPhone tougher.

... snip ...

Also, UltraSn0w is 100% compatible since the iPhone 3G S⃣ and the iPhone 3G use the same baseband chip hardware and software.
strange identifier back in October advertisement data?
So you mean Apple knew but didnt care about jailbreaking/unlocking?

Remember a MacRumor report about the ad agency for free applications detecting in their servers 1 strange iPhone identifier? The regular at that time was iPhone1,1 and iPhone1,2 (1st Gen iPhone and iPhone 3G). However, they noted that in the Bay Area, 3 different devices with the identifier iPhone2,1 appeared.

Meaning Apple was testing the hardware out in the wild. So, that development was well deep. So for Apple to trash that development (remember 24k exploit became known in March/April timeline) was unthinkable (try developing or correcting hardware in less than 2 months, not easy, not even for Apple), so they rather have the Dev Team this victory and concentrate on the next iPhone.
They lost the battle but keep fighting the war.
Seems like the Dev Team is winning though :D

Remember a MacRumor report about the ad agency for free applications detecting in their servers 1 strange iPhone identifier? The regular at that time was iPhone1,1 and iPhone1,2 (1st Gen iPhone and iPhone 3G). However, they noted that in the Bay Area, 3 different devices with the identifier iPhone2,1 appeared.

Meaning Apple was testing the hardware out in the wild. So, that development was well deep. So for Apple to trash that development (remember 24k exploit became known in March/April timeline) was unthinkable (try developing or correcting hardware in less than 2 months, not easy, not even for Apple), so they rather have the Dev Team this victory and concentrate on the next iPhone.
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