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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 5, 2008
Hi all,

I am looking for a solution to getting a data only plan for my 3GS, even if it is only edge. I will not use voice on the phone. I figured t-mobile might be a good place to try, since AT&T is stubborn on insisting you have a voice and data plan on the phone.

I called the t-mobile 800 sales number (in the US btw) and asked if I could bring my unlocked iPhone 3GS to them with a data only plan. I was told I had to have a blackberry or G1 for web and e-mail only. I asked if about the $24.99 unlimited web and e-mail plan and again was told they wouldn't sell me just the plan and sim.

Has anyone else accomplished what I am trying to do that can provide some advice? Maybe I should just go into a t-mobile store with my iPhone and try?


They do offer that data only plan, and you can use any phone with it. They charge you some fixed amount per minute if you use it for voice. You do not need to have a blackberry.
Ok, that's what the website seemed to indicate. I guess at this point, the best option would be to actually go into a store.
Hi all,

I am looking for a solution to getting a data only plan for my 3GS, even if it is only edge. I will not use voice on the phone. I figured t-mobile might be a good place to try, since AT&T is stubborn on insisting you have a voice and data plan on the phone.

I called the t-mobile 800 sales number (in the US btw) and asked if I could bring my unlocked iPhone 3GS to them with a data only plan. I was told I had to have a blackberry or G1 for web and e-mail only. I asked if about the $24.99 unlimited web and e-mail plan and again was told they wouldn't sell me just the plan and sim.

Has anyone else accomplished what I am trying to do that can provide some advice? Maybe I should just go into a t-mobile store with my iPhone and try?



They are full of s***. Blackberry plans are higher than the rest i believe and the G1 plan wont work on the iPhone anyways as far as 3G capability so it would be a waste of money, so you dont need that. Get the cheapest plan and come here to get the settings for it. Mine works using a T-Zones $5.99 data plan.
Wait a sec, I thought the 3G and 3GS would only work on Edge on the T-Mobile network.
If that's the case, WTH would you want to get a data plan for it that will only work with Edge with your phone?
Maybe that's why T-Mobile won't sell it to you.

If that's not the case, and 3G does work, my bad.
Wait a sec, I thought the 3G and 3GS would only work on Edge on the T-Mobile network.
If that's the case, WTH would you want to get a data plan for it that will only work with Edge with your phone?
Maybe that's why T-Mobile won't sell it to you.

If that's not the case, and 3G does work, my bad.

Correct..and the first gen(2G) so i wouldnt get those expensive plans from them. Like i said, im using the $5.99 T-Zones plan on mine and it works fine...or as well as Edge can work anyways....but it is cheap. They just dont have that $5.99 plan anymore.
Correct..and the first gen(2G) so i wouldnt get those expensive plans from them. Like i said, im using the $5.99 T-Zones plan on mine and it works fine...or as well as Edge can work anyways....but it is cheap. They just dont have that $5.99 plan anymore.

My post was directed towards the OP, but I missed the part where he said he wanted a data plan, even if it's only edge.
IMO, using a 3GS on an edge data connection is a big waste of money, both on the cost of the phone, and then using it on an edge data plan.

He should try going to an AT&T store and seeing if they'll sign him up for the data only plan.

On AT&T's site, they have prices listed for just data connect plans, with no voice service. It says right on there, $35 a month, and under that, $30 a month with an individual or family voice plan.

Hmm, iPhone is not listed there, you can always try.
My post was directed towards the OP, but I missed the part where he said he wanted a data plan, even if it's only edge.
IMO, using a 3GS on an edge data connection is a big waste of money, both on the cost of the phone, and then using it on an edge data plan.

He should try going to an AT&T store and seeing if they'll sign him up for the data only plan.

On AT&T's site, they have prices listed for just data connect plans, with no voice service. It says right on there, $35 a month, and under that, $30 a month with an individual or family voice plan.

Hmm, iPhone is not listed there, you can always try.

I did try. AT&T insists on one of their official contract plans with a 2 year committment. Also I would love some further assistance if someone can help. I got a prepaid sim at tmobile today for $10 but can't figure out how to add a data plan to it (like the web2go for $20)
Can you help me?

They are full of s***.
Mine works using a T-Zones $5.99 data plan.

Hi! I need to jailbreak my iPhone 3G (still running 2.0) and then add the 5.99 data plan... Hopefully also run skype?

Would you be willing to assist me?

Can you help me jailbreak and setup an iphone data plan?

Get the cheapest plan and come here to get the settings for it. Mine works using a T-Zones $5.99 data plan.

They are full of s***.
Mine works using a T-Zones $5.99 data plan.

Hi! I need to jailbreak my iPhone 3G (still running 2.0) and then add the 5.99 data plan... Hopefully also run skype?

Would you be willing to assist me?

Wait a sec, I thought the 3G and 3GS would only work on Edge on the T-Mobile network.
If that's the case, WTH would you want to get a data plan for it that will only work with Edge with your phone?
Maybe that's why T-Mobile won't sell it to you.

If that's not the case, and 3G does work, my bad.

i totally agree! t-mobile only uses EDGE, but they are bearly releasing their 3G power signals, but idk, check up on that.
Yes EDGE is the best you can do on an iPhone on t-mobile because they use different 3g frequencies than AT&T does. HOWEVER, AT&T will not sell a data only plan, T-Mobile does. So even though it is only edge, "WTH" would I want to pay for a voice plan every month that I won't be using and all I want is the data?

I appreciate you think 3G is the only thing worth paying for, but I didn't ask for an opinion of is the t-mob data only plan worth the money, I asked how to get it working. Thanks.
Hi! I need to jailbreak my iPhone 3G (still running 2.0) and then add the 5.99 data plan... Hopefully also run skype?

Would you be willing to assist me?


They dont have that $5.99 data plan anymore. I still have it because it had it before they disconitnued it. There are several topics on how to jailbreak your phone. Even get step by step instructions from iclarified.
3G with Tmobile Sim Needing help with Data Config.

I am able to have voice on my new T-Mobile "Smart" sim card on my unlocked 3G, which I currently used in Indonesia and Austraila, but data in Indo was slow and did not happen in Aus.

I am in the USA now and want to use the data and voice features with T-Mobile. The phone works just fine but the data does not at all.

Am I supposed to use and know the codes the VPN section for t-mobile? In Indo, they had me put in a code and it worked, just really slow.

I don't mind the edge v.s. 3g at all and just need help getting data back on my phone.

Please help me or else I have to buy a locked 3 GS to get my iphone back. I don't want to reset this one and would keep it or sell it.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Aloha ~ Jennifer
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