I have had my Iphone for over a year now and I don't remember if I have ever tried to sync any accessories with it until today. I bought a "Bluetooth Fit-Life Band" by FineLife Products. I try to sync it to my phone but my bluetooth keeps searching for devices. I tried turning off my bluetooth and my phone and turning them back on again over and over but nothing has worked. My mom checked her bluetooth on her phone and it shows the fit-band is working. My phone is IOS 7.1.2. I also thought the problem could have been the fact that my phone is connected to my other IPhone 4 (school phone) i tried to disconnect them but its not working. PLUS....My phone might be connected to my sisters phone as well, She had just got her phone and didn't know how to set things up so I put my info in her phone and told her i would help her later, it ended up being that she had erased my contacts 5 different times. I thought I had fixed that issue until I went to my purchase history and every app she downloads is on there. Obviously i messed something up but I'm not sure what exactly. Any help??