My wife has noticed a significant change in the color and contrast of her iPhone 4S in a matter of days. Even I, not regularly seeing her phone, can see a very noticeable weakness in color tone and lack of contrast. Obviously we tried adjusting the brightness control in settings, as well as turning auto-brightness on and off and rebooting the device, but with no success. Her phone is approximately 1 3/4 years old, model: MD277LL/A. It's in otherwise great condition. No screen damage or other damage.
I wondered if anyone else has experienced this with an iPhone 4S, or any model for that matter?
I'm tempted to do a wired backup and try reinstalling iOS, but I'm assuming this isn't a software issue. Otherwise next step is the Apple Store.
A new display assembly from a trustworthy retailer is $94. I'm hoping Apple would sell me a refurbished replacement for less than that, and that's an extremely involved DIY.
...I posted this question on the apple support forum as well.
I wondered if anyone else has experienced this with an iPhone 4S, or any model for that matter?
I'm tempted to do a wired backup and try reinstalling iOS, but I'm assuming this isn't a software issue. Otherwise next step is the Apple Store.
A new display assembly from a trustworthy retailer is $94. I'm hoping Apple would sell me a refurbished replacement for less than that, and that's an extremely involved DIY.
...I posted this question on the apple support forum as well.