Since there is no JB option available on the 4S right now (thus unable to use the iBlacklist app) there a "workaround" method to sending incoming Private/Blocked/Unknown phone calls DIRECTLY to voicemail?
Currently I have set my default ringtone to SILENT (and assigned other ringtones to my contacts) but "Unknown" incoming calls still display on the screen when calling.
I've read that there is a way to use GOOGLE VOICE to accomplish this but I don't know exactly how.
If someone knows of a way to send Unknown calls directly to VM, please advice.
Thanks in advance.
Currently I have set my default ringtone to SILENT (and assigned other ringtones to my contacts) but "Unknown" incoming calls still display on the screen when calling.
I've read that there is a way to use GOOGLE VOICE to accomplish this but I don't know exactly how.
If someone knows of a way to send Unknown calls directly to VM, please advice.
Thanks in advance.
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