iPhone battery replacements
I actually came here to see what people were saying about iPhone battery replacement, have any of you ever tried to replace one? I have, several times, it really isn't that difficult! But then my wife says I always say that and that I don't realize what seems simple to me isn't to a lot of other people. So, here is what I can tell you that I have learned, a replacement battery can be bought just about anywhere for an IPhone for about $5.00, yes I said $5.00. The tools cost about $15.00, the hardest part is dealing with the size of the screws when removing and re-inserting them! If you think a flea is small! Wait until you see these screws! If you are dexterous, be careful of static shock, and watch several repair videos online, you shouldn't have a problem. Now if you want to get a Apple brand battery, good luck! That isn't going to happen unless your related to an authorized Apple repair person/company, and if you are why have you read this far! Seriously!