So I recently got an iPhone 5 on iOS 6.1.4, sadly this iPhone has had a few issues though.
The eBay description stated the home button was the only problem, simple fix right? Just replace the little circuit for the home button on the glass. Well it turned out the whole dock connector was shot, further testing showed that the home button circuit itself wasn't at fault. So I put in a new dock connector, put it back together and viola done. I decided to check the batteries stats on Coconut Battery and thats when I saw it was at 47% capacity. Probably should've checked this earlier but its okay, I had a "spare" battery(I say spare because this battery was actually swollen). Anyway I replaced the battery and knocked the transistor off the home button circuit on the dock connector. No more home button. Yes I was very unhappy and frustrated.
One brand-new dock connector and NOHON battery later, the iPhone 5 is perfect. But let's focus on the NOHON battery now, so I bought it because I saw no reviews on the battery/it seemed to have claims which weren't that unachievable(ahem Gold 4S batteries). It claimed my iPhone 5 would have 1590, a nice little boost from 1440 if true and some room for the battery to degrade while being at its full design capacity still.
Fired up Coconut Battery and to my surprise, it is a real 1590mah battery.

I also use a Cydia tweak to display the iPhone's battery info in the Notification Center which also reported it being 1590mah.
Hope this helps out any users deciding on buying one of these, I'm very happy with the result. I'll try to update this thread on how the performance is a week from now, a few months later ,etc.
It's currently fully charging so when I reach 100% I'll post a full battery shot.
Here is 1440mah(what it's design capacity is):

EDIT: 100% shot

The eBay description stated the home button was the only problem, simple fix right? Just replace the little circuit for the home button on the glass. Well it turned out the whole dock connector was shot, further testing showed that the home button circuit itself wasn't at fault. So I put in a new dock connector, put it back together and viola done. I decided to check the batteries stats on Coconut Battery and thats when I saw it was at 47% capacity. Probably should've checked this earlier but its okay, I had a "spare" battery(I say spare because this battery was actually swollen). Anyway I replaced the battery and knocked the transistor off the home button circuit on the dock connector. No more home button. Yes I was very unhappy and frustrated.
One brand-new dock connector and NOHON battery later, the iPhone 5 is perfect. But let's focus on the NOHON battery now, so I bought it because I saw no reviews on the battery/it seemed to have claims which weren't that unachievable(ahem Gold 4S batteries). It claimed my iPhone 5 would have 1590, a nice little boost from 1440 if true and some room for the battery to degrade while being at its full design capacity still.
Fired up Coconut Battery and to my surprise, it is a real 1590mah battery.

I also use a Cydia tweak to display the iPhone's battery info in the Notification Center which also reported it being 1590mah.
Hope this helps out any users deciding on buying one of these, I'm very happy with the result. I'll try to update this thread on how the performance is a week from now, a few months later ,etc.
It's currently fully charging so when I reach 100% I'll post a full battery shot.
Here is 1440mah(what it's design capacity is):

EDIT: 100% shot

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