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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 1, 2016

I was using my iphone 5c just a moment ago and was on facebook, then the phone locked up, i couldnt do a thing, then the top quarter of the picture started to do almost like a dissolving thing so that the picture started disappearing, then the screen went blank,

Here's the steps i have taken to resolve this.

Tried turning it off using the power button - Did nothing, screen is still black

Tried holding the power button and home button together - Did nothing, screen is still black

Replaced the screen - Did nothing, screen is still black

Tried plugging it into the computer and doing a reset - Did nothing, screen is still black

However, i can ring the phone and it rings.

So whats the problem? why has my phone randomly died? could it be that the gpu chip has committed suicide?


macrumors 601
Oct 14, 2007
Why not visit an Apple Store if you have one local.

That's before any remaining warranty was invalidated by swapping out the screen. :(
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