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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 23, 2014
Hello, I'm hoping someone can help me with this as I'm slowly but surely losing the will to live.

I repair phones, have done for quite a few years - but I'm stumped. A friend of mine gave me a phone to sell on eBay as he's not registered, an iPhone 5C. I helped him reset it so as to get all his data off it. That was about a month or so ago.

Anyway, the phone didn't sell and it's been sat on my microwave in my kitchen, in its box all this time - my brother in law decided he wanted a new phone and after me telling him he should upgrade to an iPhone, a sale was done everyone happy.

I then go to get it out the box to charge it and it's completely dead - not a glimpse of life. I've changed the dock connector, tried a new battery, plugged it into iTunes and tried the DFU initiation mainly to test if there is any life but there's nothing - tried hard reset, completely nothing!!! I'm going mad!!

How can a fully working iPhone just become a brick after just sitting there, there's no sign of water damage, nothing!

I thought it was because I left it on the microwave but I've left other devices up there and they still work!

Please can someone help before I go mad and call the men in white coats!

Many thanks in advance



macrumors 601
Feb 17, 2008
Fort Worth, Texas
Why sit an iPhone or any other electronic device on top of a microwave oven? Microwaves have been known to cause damage or interfere with some electronic devices. It's not certain that's what caused your iPhone 5c to brick, but it does give cause to think about it.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 23, 2014
Why sit an iPhone or any other electronic device on top of a microwave oven? Microwaves have been known to cause damage or interfere with some electronic devices. It's not certain that's what caused your iPhone 5c to brick, but it does give cause to think about it.
So gone forever in your opinion?? Dead?
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