I have an iPhone 5s. I wanted to use it but the battery was old so i bought a new one and replaced it using a tutorial. After it was done
i putted it on charge for like 30 mines. After that i tried to power it but it only showed the logo and after that the screen was dark but it showed some light. Also the screen turned red few times. then i found out that i putted it wrong so i repaired it again. After that the same thing happened but the red thingy did not showed yet. Could anyone help?
i putted it on charge for like 30 mines. After that i tried to power it but it only showed the logo and after that the screen was dark but it showed some light. Also the screen turned red few times. then i found out that i putted it wrong so i repaired it again. After that the same thing happened but the red thingy did not showed yet. Could anyone help?
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