iphone 5s, 64GB version, was working fine (iOS 8.2 for almost a month) but recently started to restart at random times.
Did firmware upgrade (via DFU mode) and setup as new phone - it still restarts. When it restarts blue screen appears for a while and this gets logged, below.
iOS 8.3 did not help - still restarts.
Is this some known hardware iphone bug?
Did firmware upgrade (via DFU mode) and setup as new phone - it still restarts. When it restarts blue screen appears for a while and this gets logged, below.
iOS 8.3 did not help - still restarts.
Is this some known hardware iphone bug?
{"bug_type":"110","os_version":"iOS 8.3 (12F70)"}
Incident Identifier: 3B413D96-BFD7-4D5F-A805-5BA608493694
CrashReporter Key: 0f717d854641650b2731f8ad7b293e489a4ec3a7
Hardware Model: iPhone6,2
Date/Time: 2015-04-09 06:31:53.815 +0200
OS Version: iOS 8.3 (12F70)
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff801ef2324c): "i2c1::_checkBusStatus Bus is still in a bad state; last read status 00010110 xfer 00000000 fifo 00000000 for device als"
Debugger message: panic
OS version: 12F70
Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 14.0.0: Sun Mar 29 19:47:37 PDT 2015; root:xnu-2784.20.34~2/RELEASE_ARM64_S5L8960X
iBoot version: iBoot-2261.20.20
secure boot?: YES
Paniclog version: 3
Kernel slide: 0x000000001c200000
Kernel text base: 0xffffff801e202000
Epoch Time: sec usec
Boot : 0x5525fe48 0x00000000
Sleep : 0x55260024 0x0003867e
Wake : 0x55260064 0x000a49a7
Calendar: 0x552600a7 0x000cec40
Panicked task 0xffffff80009a6b20: 27387 pages, 170 threads: pid 0: kernel_task
panicked thread: 0xffffff8000b0d7f0, backtrace: 0xffffff80008ab900
lr: 0xffffff801e2e23e8 fp: 0xffffff80008ab960
lr: 0xffffff801e2225fc fp: 0xffffff80008ab9c0
lr: 0xffffff801ef2324c fp: 0xffffff80008aba40
lr: 0xffffff801ef22e1c fp: 0xffffff80008aba70
lr: 0xffffff801ef22b30 fp: 0xffffff80008abaa0
lr: 0xffffff801e8eba40 fp: 0xffffff80008abac0
lr: 0xffffff801e8eb8a8 fp: 0xffffff80008abaf0
lr: 0xffffff801e5e4d68 fp: 0xffffff80008abb50
lr: 0xffffff801e8ec3ac fp: 0xffffff80008abbb0
lr: 0xffffff801f01a2e4 fp: 0xffffff80008abc00
lr: 0xffffff801e5e416c fp: 0xffffff80008abc40
lr: 0xffffff801e5e2474 fp: 0xffffff80008abc70
lr: 0xffffff801e5e2598 fp: 0xffffff80008abca0
lr: 0xffffff801e2df3a0 fp: 0x0000000000000000
********* Dumping thread state and stacks *********
Task 0xffffff80009a6b20: 27387 pages, 170 threads: pid 0: kernel_task
thread 0xffffff801e73b3b0
kernel continuation: 0xffffff801e2a03d8
thread 0xffffff80009b07f0
kernel continuation: 0xffffff801e230988
thread 0xffffff80009b0000
kernel continuation: 0xffffff801e22c0d4
thread 0xffffff80009b17f0
kernel continuation: 0xffffff801e247004
thread 0xffffff80009b1000
kernel continuation: 0xffffff801e24731c
thread 0xffffff80009b27f0
kernel backtrace: ffffff801a123bf0
thread 0xffffff80009b2000
kernel continuation: 0xffffff801e24aca4
thread 0xffffff80009b57f0
kernel backtrace: ffffff801a133bf0
thread 0xffffff80009b5000
kernel continuation: 0xffffff801e5e24d0
thread 0xffffff8000b0f7f0
kernel continuation: 0xffffff801e5e24d0
thread 0xffffff8000b1c000
kernel continuation: 0xffffff801e5e24d0
thread 0xffffff8000b2d000
kernel continuation: 0xffffff801e29c584
thread 0xffffff8000b407f0
kernel continuation: 0xffffff801e520bec
thread 0xffffff8000b40000
kernel continuation: 0xffffff801e5e24d0
thread 0xffffff8000b497f0
kernel continuation: 0xffffff801e5e24d0
thread 0xffffff8000b4d7f0
kernel continuation: 0xffffff801e5e24d0
thread 0xffffff8000b4d000
kernel continuation: 0xffffff801e5e24d0
thread 0xffffff8000b527f0
kernel continuation: 0xffffff801e5e24d0
thread 0xffffff8000b547f0