So I have an iPhone 5s. It's about a year old, good condition. This morning I was looking at reddit and all of a sudden the screen went blank white. The battery at the time was about 30%. I pressed the power button several times, and eventually the screen switched to black with the backlight still on. I plugged it into the charger and tried the power button again, and just the same black backlit screen. The weird part is, that the phone still works otherwise. I held in the home button and I heard Siri say sorry, what was that? When I held my thumb to the home button to unlock it my screen flashed, like it was trying to change. Even weirder, though, is when I tried to restart it. I held in the power and home button and the white screen with the Apple logo showed up. I thought it was fixed. Turns out the battery was dead, and when I held the power button to turn it on the little battery showed up with the red bars, and the picture of the charger to plug it in. After I charged it, and turned it on again, the black backlit screen of death was back. The screen will only show the Apple logo, and the low battery screen, nothing else. What should I do?