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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 3, 2009
I lost 25% battery life in an hour with no use today while it was in my pocket. Pulled it out and the back was very warm to the touch.

Anyone else have this issue? It happened a time or two on my 6+. Wonder if it's a jailbreak tweak doing it or a factory issue.
I do know since I updated to the latest OS my 6+ battery is draining super fast as well. Never had battery issues before.
Doing it again today. 70% down to 26% in 2 hours with only text use. Back is very warm.
My phone has never died before midnight before the update. It died at 1030 tonight . Something is causing it to drain faster..
70% down to 26% in 2 hours wow. I would make an appt. with Apple and get it checked out.
You're jailbroken? Need to be more specific as to what you've done/tweaked.
iPhone 6 battery % dropping like a rock...

I am jail broke.n. Didn't do it all weekend and now it started today. Battery dropping like a rock and back is very warm. I have a bunch of tweaks installed.

Closest Apple Store to me is 2 hours away :(

I'll probably backup, restore and see how it is not jail broken. I'll call Apple and see if it's an issue they know about.
Closest Apple Store to me is 2 hours away :(

I'll probably backup, restore and see how it is not jail broken. I'll call Apple and see if it's an issue they know about.

Don't take your iPhone to the Apple Store whilst it's jailbroken! Also, don't tell them on the phone you've done that. It voids your warranty -

If you think there is a hardware issue with your battery, restore to remove your jailbreak and then take it to the store.
I will get rid of jailbreak first. Not going to an Apple Store tho. 2 hrs away. Will all have to be over the phone.
I wonder if it could be the 'find my iphone' function. I thought it was off but it wasn't. I'll see if that does it.

This morning with little use I went from 100% down to 70% in 2 hours. Back of phone was very warm.
This morning I unplugged it when I got up and it was at 100%. 2 hrs later all I did was hit the wake/sleep button to see what the percentage was and it was still at 100%. Since then it's dropping like a rock. Weird.
What do you think?


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I'd say yep. Only did it once yesterday. I shut the phone off and left it off for 10mins. Turned it back on and was fine the rest of the day.
iphone 6+ here, batterly was amazing on 8.2, still amazing on 8.3:cool:, phone is out of the charger since 6:30AM, by the time I go to bed I still have 40% left. Can't complain.
I have the very same problem running IOS10.0.2. on an iPhone 6.
Phone is for Verizon and not jail-broken.
After a full charge it slowly discharges to about 50% then plummets to under 20%. Also, it seems to charge more rapidly than it used to - problem has been going on since about early August.
I have the very same problem running IOS10.0.2. on an iPhone 6.
Phone is for Verizon and not jail-broken.
After a full charge it slowly discharges to about 50% then plummets to under 20%. Also, it seems to charge more rapidly than it used to - problem has been going on since about early August.
Sounds like the battery might be going.
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