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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 24, 2017
I am having some troubles with my iPhone.
When I turn it on it will show the apple logo for around a second then turn off and show the apple logo for around a second and so on until it runs out of battery.
I cannot physically turn off the device once I have turned it on. Turning it off will not do anything, I have to let the phone run out of charge to stop the boot loop.
When plugged into the computer iTunes will not recognise the device and neither will the computer, it will just give it power.
I have opened the device and it seems the A8 chip does not have a cover on top of it like it normally does, could this be causing problems?


macrumors regular
Oct 4, 2017
Montreal, Canada
Have you owned this phone since the beginning or was it purchased second-hand?

Not having the shield over the CPU is a dead giveaway this phone was worked on before...and by that I mean repaired, or at least probed, at the board level. There's nothing wrong with that (I do that every day :)) but it does indicate that this phone has had some prior issues. My immediate concern is water damage. If water damaged phones aren't properly cleaned and decontaminated, they can have all kinds of latent issues which show up down the road.

Give us a bit more history on the phone.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 24, 2017

This is second hand, It said the original battery has been replaced which is correct, the LCD connectors metal cover and the one over the battery is also missing, The phone does not look water damaged and I have not personally had any liquid near it.


macrumors regular
Oct 4, 2017
Montreal, Canada
Has this phone ever worked properly for you or is this a recent event? If it never worked, I would see if you have any recourse for a return/refund. If it's recent, then this phone will probably have to be looked at by a repair shop, probably one that does micro-soldering (due to the CPU shield missing).


macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 24, 2017

The phone was given to me for free so returning it would be rather impossible haha.

Is there anything I can try at home?


macrumors regular
Oct 4, 2017
Montreal, Canada
Free is good...:)

If you know the person well, ask them why it was repaired and how well it worked after the repair. The only way to get the CPU shield off is via applying heat, lot's of it. That is what is concerning here. you didn't say if the phone ever worked for you or not (or better yet, did it ever work after the last repair).

I don't have much info to go on but if the problem is water or logic board related, there isn't much an end-user can do unless they understand electronics schematics and has troubleshooting experience. One thing you could try is to disconnect the screen, cameras and button flexes, leaving only the Dock and Battery connected to the logic board. Connect it to an itunes enabled computer. If the iPhone is not recognized, then you most likely have a logic board issue. If the phone is recognized, then add flexes one at a time until you find the component that causing the failure.
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