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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 30, 2014

I have been experience big issues regarding my iPhone 6's battery life and charging time. I have followed numerous tutorials and guides on how to improve them, but I had no significant results.

I have followed almost all steps - with the exception of using iPad's charger, doing calibration (it would probably take up to 16 hours or even more) and reinstalling iOS 9 from the scratch. I believe I have followed all other steps.

My battery life, unsurprisingly, is very bad. Even though I have deleted almost all my apps, Facebook, disabled all those battery-eating fancy features, it's still bad. I get surprised when I don't lose 1-2% of battery in a minute or two. I try to get my battery to last all day, or at least while I'm not home.

But what is worse than a bad battery life? Perhaps an awful charging time. I'm not joking, if I try to charge from 0% to 100%, it may take up to 16 hours, and it's getting worse and worse. Yesterday, to charge from about 34% to 88%, it took almost 10 hours. Once it gets to 80%, it may take about 35 minutes to charge 1-2%. It is being utterly frustrating. I have no complaints about iPhones overall, except for battery/charging issues. I have spent a lot of time trying to fix it, but it only seems to worsen overtime. Sometimes, I need to have my battery high urgently, but not even charging is reliable anymore.

Please, may you tell me what can I do in order to at least reduce my issues until I'm finally able to get a new phone (it won't be soon...)? Will updating my software to 9.3.1 reduce it (as I have heard the battery plague still remains)?

Thank you very much in advance,

iPhone 6, iOS 9.2.1
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