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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 14, 2018
so I recently got into the world of repairing modern smartphones, and so far I've replaced the battery, wifi antenna (upper) and the flex antenna below the logic board, as well as just recently replacing the LCD screen, to which I swapped my original Home Button into the new LCD assembly, as well as I gently swapped the Home Button flex cable from my original assembly into the new one, however, my Touch ID refuses to work. I've tried unplugging the battery, restarting, etc. and nothing is bringing it back, although I am using the original Home Button and cable, as what many folks had problem with, but I had researched this before doing the repairs and thought this would avoid all that. Not sure why but has anyone done the same repair and experienced this issue? I can live without it but I went through a lot of extra trouble and time to keep it.
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