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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 1, 2018
Hello! I've thought about switching to a new phone for a while firstly because my battery is completely dead and can barely hold a charge secondly because i can't go replace it at an apple store due to me already having a third party battery in it and thirdly because getting a reliable iphone 6 battery replacement is pure gamble. I've yet to find a trustable website that sells aftermarket batteries that are reliable.

So i've come to seek some advice. I could alternatively have apple replace my aftermarket battery (not sure if they even do that, i doubt it. Even if they did, it'd be at a ridiculous price due to me having replaced it myself) or i could take a big step and just buy a new phone. I've had my iphone 6 for 2~ years now? Orrr i could go with the gamble and buy new battery and keep it for longer. But which one should it be?

I would probably go with the battery replacement if i knew a reliable source. A shame that apples doesn't sell OEM batteries.
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