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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 1, 2016
I have an iPhone 6 in mint condition... It suddenly is displaying a flickering grey bar at the top and has become unresponsive... Perfect timing since its only a month or so away from a new iPhone being released. Anybody know of a temporary fix for this? or do i have to bite the bullet and purchase a new phone (phone is out of warranty)

thanks in advance


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 1, 2016
Put it on the charger for awhile, see what happens, then factory reset.
thanks... i should have stated that i did fully charge the phone and did a factory reset.
It worked a while during setup, however started flickering and became unresponsive before i had a chance to restore a backup!

thanks again


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 1, 2016
wow... thank you!

Update: contacted support via apple support chat (because the earliest "genius" appointment i could get was 4 days away). Service rep was helpful and put me through the expected steps to back up the phone, do an update, etc etc. I patiently performed his requests to no avail. Fortunetely i have apple care with a few months left on warranty... He offered a replacement "brand new" (which after reading the article leaves me suspicious). The nice thing however, is that the phone is being fedex'd at no charge (a hold was placed on my cc for the cost of a new phone, which will be released after i send in my non working phone)

All in all, i am pretty impressed with the chat support. Lets see if the phone is new or re-furbished.

thanks for the replys
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