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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 8, 2017
So basically, my friend gave me this supposedly broken iPhone 6, and he got an iPhone 7. I ended up wanting to fix it so I could use it. Its basically just given me trouble the entire time. If I put it into dfu mode, it just reboots itself. If I try and put it into recovery mode and plug into iTunes, it reboots it self. and it just flashes to the white apple logo then goes back to the plug to iTunes screen. Same for dfu. It goes into dfu when I put it there but just reboots when I try and restore it. Maybe apple is trying to kill off the iPhone 6 for the new iPhone 8 to come out. No I do not care about the data on the phone. I need help.
(Edit: I might take it to the Apple Store and just ask them to factory reset it there but have no idea if they'd charge or not.)


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
All your problems suggest a hardware issue.

Take it to Apple and see what they say. Diagnosing the device is free and they will tell you the cost of repair/replacement if necessary. You won't be charged unless you consent to that.

But getting it checked out is free. And if nothing is wrong then Apple restoring it won't cost you anything either.

But I'm betting something's wrong hardware wise. Assuming you have tried all the tricks, such as different lightning cables, different USB ports and a computer with the latest version of iTunes?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 8, 2017
Everything. Different cable, 6 cables in fact. All 8 usb ports on my pc and updated itunes. Most likely a hardware issue. Ill take it to apple and see what they say. Thanks!
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