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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 18, 2010
I use my iPhone 6 for my alarm clock. Last night, at some point, my iPhone decided to restart itself. It was not plugged in, was near my bed in its usual location, and had around 90% charge.

When my wife's phone alarm went off at 6:30 this morning, I picked up my phone to figure out what had happened (I thought maybe I'd forgotten to set my alarm) and it had the black/white Apple screen you see after restart, and then it went to an Activation Lock screen.

I was able to unlock the screen with my AppleID and the phone was instantly usable.

But, because of the Activation Lock screen, it disabled my alarm and I was late for work.

So, anyone have any suggestions or thoughts on what might have caused this, and more importantly, how to prevent this from happening again?

From About:

Verizon Wireless, 9.2.1 (13D15), Verizon 23.2, MG5W2LL/A
What job were you late for? It may seem like an irrelevant question, but in some cases it can be helpful to know.
What job were you late for? It may seem like an irrelevant question, but in some cases it can be helpful to know.
Out of curiosity, what cases would those be (especially as far as relating to this thread)?
There's a big radar image on my avatar and my handle is "Pilot" - I'll let you simmer over that one.

That being said, I contacted Apple Support and they told me things I already knew - that Activation Lock should only come on if someone is trying to lock it via my iCloud.

They did check my iCloud login history and nothing was out of the ordinary. And I do have two-step authentication turned on.

If it happens again I could disable Lock. But I'd prefer not to.
There's a big radar image on my avatar and my handle is "Pilot" - I'll let you simmer over that one.

That being said, I contacted Apple Support and they told me things I already knew - that Activation Lock should only come on if someone is trying to lock it via my iCloud.

They did check my iCloud login history and nothing was out of the ordinary. And I do have two-step authentication turned on.

If it happens again I could disable Lock. But I'd prefer not to.

Did you change SIM Card recently? Thats the only reason I can think of.
Nope. Haven't done anything since I bought the phone in August, except for download 9.2 whenever that went live. No idea what happened. Hasn't happened since.
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