iPhone 6, 8.1
TP Link Router
No such problems till I got this router.
When I enter password an click Join, the keyboard hides and the UI stays stuck on that view. Then I close and open settings, I`m presented with the WiFi selection view again. What I see is it doesnt event connect enough to check if the password is correct or not, just hides the keyboard and that`s it.
However the iPhone 4 I have connects with no problem, and the 6 connects fine if there is no wireless protection.
Tried resetting iPhone`s Network Settings, changing the Wireless Security type of the router, upgrading it's firmware, and whatever other setting I tought might change something. No change.
I settled to using no protection on the WiFi and just filter the MAC Addresses of the connected devices. Then I tought why not daisychain my old router(with which the iPhone 6 connected fine) to my new one for my other room. I reseted its settings, and set it up just like I've done everytime, and I don't know why but the 6 started doing the same thing with this router too.
I`m fine with just filtering the mac addresses, but after the 6 doing the same thing with the old router I decided to share and see if something comes to mind to anyone out there
p.s. I`m curious if restoring the phone would make it work, but not right now, and since the old router starting doing the same I dont think the whole fault is in the iphone
TP Link Router
No such problems till I got this router.
When I enter password an click Join, the keyboard hides and the UI stays stuck on that view. Then I close and open settings, I`m presented with the WiFi selection view again. What I see is it doesnt event connect enough to check if the password is correct or not, just hides the keyboard and that`s it.
However the iPhone 4 I have connects with no problem, and the 6 connects fine if there is no wireless protection.
Tried resetting iPhone`s Network Settings, changing the Wireless Security type of the router, upgrading it's firmware, and whatever other setting I tought might change something. No change.
I settled to using no protection on the WiFi and just filter the MAC Addresses of the connected devices. Then I tought why not daisychain my old router(with which the iPhone 6 connected fine) to my new one for my other room. I reseted its settings, and set it up just like I've done everytime, and I don't know why but the 6 started doing the same thing with this router too.
I`m fine with just filtering the mac addresses, but after the 6 doing the same thing with the old router I decided to share and see if something comes to mind to anyone out there
p.s. I`m curious if restoring the phone would make it work, but not right now, and since the old router starting doing the same I dont think the whole fault is in the iphone