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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 13, 2019
Hi, first post obviously. I did a bit of searching for this and there's just so much on this forum that it's difficult to single something like this out, and I didn't find anything specific for this device and operating system combo. So as the title says, I have a 6s running on iOS 12.2. I recently upgraded the device from 10.3.3. So far i'm happy with the performance of the new operating system and it actually seems to run smoother than the old one all around, which kind of surprises me.

When I bought my 6s a couple of years ago it came with a different iOS, don't recall which one, and in setting it up for my personal use I upgraded the iOS to the 10.3.3. Now this was a brand new device to me, refurbished, and I wanted it to be pretty much like my previous iPhone 4s. My 4s was fully jailbroken and I had a multitude of tweeks and various things done to it, and I wand to basically install all the same things on the new iOS. That didn't happen. I learned very quickly there were a metric F-ton of jailbreak scams out there for the newer operating systems. So many that I ended up trying a few and they all ended in the exact same way, failure and frustration. I have now updated to the new 12.2 iOS and I am willing to give jailbreaking another go around. Only thing is after doing a google search I find there's just as many if not more so called jailbreaks for this operating system as there were for the 10.3.3 that I was running.

So really, is there an actual real deal jailbreak for the 12.2 operating system on an iPhone 6s with the A9 processor? Also do y'all even recommend doing this on a 6s with such a new iOS, will it have enough RAM to run smoothly or will jailbreaking it and adding tweeks from Cydia slow it down and make issue for it? Oh, and if there's more than one choice, untethered is preferred.


macrumors 68020
Sep 2, 2013
There is no jaibreak for 12.2

Only JB available is for iOS 12- iOS 12.1.2

No you cannot downgrade.

No one knows if there will be a newer JB, and even if there is you won’t have a choice of being tethered or untethered.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 13, 2019
Well, isn't that craptacular news. Hopefully since there is a jailbreak for 12-12.1.2 I just have to wait and hope that there will be one for the 12.2 iOS.

And I hadn't even considered downgrading, and even if that was an option I probably wouldn't.
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