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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 27, 2011
Denham Springs, LA
Hey all,

I've been trying to find an answer to why my iPhone goes to a black screen in the middle of boot up before loading the lock screen. So basically, the phone boots, goes black, then shows apple and then loads lock screen.

I am running iOS 12.4.1, iPhone 7 Plus 32GB. I remember apple fixing an iOS bug a while back to fix the flashing boot screen, but noticed it does it again recently. I was curious if this is something to be concerned about, as the phone works fine, but I also have an iPad Air 2 same iOS version, that doesn't go black in the middle of boot. It's been a while, since I've restored my phone as it just works. But I just wanted to find out if the black screen in the middle of boot is a symptom of another issue going on. Thanks
Take it to Apple and they will tell you that if it booted correctly . . . .

As long as it booted, I doubt they will do anything.
Thanks for the feedback, I did look on youtube for an iPhone 7 /+ boot video on iOS 12 too, and it looks like the split screen boot is specific to the iPhone 7 models and iOS 12 as the phone in the video did it too. Will continue to watch to see if anything else strange happens, but to date, everything looks normal. was just curious about the split boot, since I hadn't noticed it for a while.
Thanks for the feedback, I did look on youtube for an iPhone 7 /+ boot video on iOS 12 too, and it looks like the split screen boot is specific to the iPhone 7 models and iOS 12 as the phone in the video did it too. Will continue to watch to see if anything else strange happens, but to date, everything looks normal. was just curious about the split boot, since I hadn't noticed it for a while.

I have to admit I have never watched my phone go through a boot cycle.

Hope it gets sorted in the next update.
I have to admit I have never watched my phone go through a boot cycle.

Hope it gets sorted in the next update.
I usually don't either, I just happened to notice it, and thought, I thought apple had fixed it a while back. Either way, if there turns out to be an issue it may just need to be factory restored and a clean install of iOS done since it's been going for a while over a year without a cleanup. Will keep people posted. thanks again.
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Yeah, it's been like that for a while on a couple of iPhone 7 devices that I deal with. I guess it's possible it might be limited to just iPhone 7 and iOS 12 (can't quite recall if it was different before iOS 12). Going by iOS 13 betas so far, it seems like that behavior isn't there.
My 7 does the same and not sure when it started or if it started with iOS 13 or was maybe doing it before that. In any case, it works perfectly so not too concerned.
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