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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 30, 2018
Hi all.

I've been having mayor issues with my iPhone 7 these past 2-3 days.

Started with it dying over night when it shouldn't have (I went to sleep when it was at 30%).
In the morning I plug it in and charge it up to about 30-50%. Then Snapchat starts crashing, maybe works for 2-3 seconds before just closing down. At that stage I remembered there was an iOS update (11.2.5) which I decide to update to, phone still acting pretty weird.

Of course the update doesn't work and the phone gets stuck on the "" or something. Alright.. that has happened once before, no big deal.

I connect it to my laptop and update it via iTunes (iTunes was up to date), but its not able to update it.. fails 2 times i think. Then I finally manage to restore it. I restore my previous iCloud backup (that was taken the evening before everything started).

After restoring the backup, the phone started downloading all the apps. But it would restart it self every other minute almost. But if I turned off the WiFi then it would not restart until after 5-10 minutes maybe. Sometimes it would stay stuck on the black screen with the loading circle untill i soft reset it with volume down + power button.

I tried resetting all system settings, it was still unusable.

I reset it completely (settings and data) and set it up as a new iPhone.

Now it seems to somewhat work but the appstore has crashed a few times, so has Facebook, Messenger etc. Sometimes i get a black screen with the loading circle for a few seconds and then get prompted with the lock screen. Sometimes it just plain reboots.

Got any ideas?

The device has got be faulty since it's about as fresh as it gets. It's past the 1 year warranty so I'm looking as possibilities other than going in for repairs.


macrumors newbie
Jan 23, 2018
It does sound like it's experiencing potential hardware failure being as that you've set it up as new and it's exhibiting the same behavior. I'd recommend bringing it in at this point, honestly.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 30, 2018
It does sound like it's experiencing potential hardware failure being as that you've set it up as new and it's exhibiting the same behavior. I'd recommend bringing it in at this point, honestly.

Yeah, I talked to somebody who recommended I do a complete restore via iTunes again, deleting the prior update from the computer before so that it would be a 100% fresh install.

Well, I did that and set the device up as a new phone. It's still acting weird and doing all the things above. Seems to be more stable though, it's getting pretty usable.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 30, 2018
Well I seem to have solved the problem. After reading about similar but less extreme cases where the internal clock was messing with things (something from iOS 10 i think).

The solution is to switch off the Automatic "Date & Time" in settings and maybe rebooting the device for good measure.

It's been perfect since I did that (24 hours ago), before that it was unusable.
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