Currently iPhone 6/6s has a 2x Retina 4.7-inch screen (326 ppi) and iPhone 6 Plus/6s Plus has a 3x Retina 5.5-inch screen (401 ppi).
When iPhone 6/6s users enable the 'Display Zoom' setting on their device:
"it reduces the logical screen size from 375 × 667 to 320 × 568 points (the same as the iPhone 5/5s/SE) ... The end result is a slightly blurry image which, unlike the ever-present-but-practically-invisible loss of image quality on the 6 Plus, looks clearly worse than the non-zoomed image at normal viewing distance."
Knowing this, will Apple release both iPhone 7 in the 4.7-inch and 5.5-inch as 3x Retina devices to prevent noticeable loss of image quality?
When iPhone 6/6s users enable the 'Display Zoom' setting on their device:
"it reduces the logical screen size from 375 × 667 to 320 × 568 points (the same as the iPhone 5/5s/SE) ... The end result is a slightly blurry image which, unlike the ever-present-but-practically-invisible loss of image quality on the 6 Plus, looks clearly worse than the non-zoomed image at normal viewing distance."
Knowing this, will Apple release both iPhone 7 in the 4.7-inch and 5.5-inch as 3x Retina devices to prevent noticeable loss of image quality?

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