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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 15, 2009
Palm Beach, Florida
I am comparing a iPhone 7Plus 128GB versus a iPhone 7Plus 256GB Phone.

Other than the OBVIOUS double Capacity......what other differences are there between the 128 vs. 256 ?

Sounds crazy....but do they weigh the same? How about the data write speed? Anything else you can think of?


Jul 12, 2016
Believe 256 write speed slightly improved but not faster over others to let it persuade a decision. Weight the same etc to the best of my knowledge.

Always error on side of safety when it comes to storage; you can't add on later

I think MacRumors posted an article on the write speed between the 128/256. But I believe you're correct about the 256 variant.
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macrumors P6
May 16, 2015
I believe there is no difference between two of them in almost anyway. You can buy whichever you wish.
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Vegas Actual

macrumors newbie
Jul 23, 2007
You're an adult and make your own money, spend it how you want and don't let anyone guilt you into thinking you made the wrong choice! I have to 256GB model too, and absolutely love it. Congrats man, enjoy it!


macrumors 68000
Feb 9, 2016
You're an adult and make your own money, spend it how you want and don't let anyone guilt you into thinking you made the wrong choice! I have to 256GB model too, and absolutely love it. Congrats man, enjoy it!
Of all the mindless sarcastic comments, this one is the most sane advice I have come across on MacRumors.

I myself coming from village area and since iPhone cannot be used as flash drive to store random files, 128 GB is the maximum I can go for. Any capacity above that MUST behave as USB flash drive too. On top of it, Apple tortures us by giving 256 GB with pathetic USB 2 transfer speeds. It takes around 2 hrs to fill it up. That's painful.

My personal opinion is 256 GB at USB 2 speeds is not value for money and causes unnecessary waste of time. After all it's your own hard earned (hopefully) money. One should buy 256 GB model if it meets their movies/music/tv storage requirements. Else buy a smaller capacity model and invest the difference into Apple's own stock. Be ready for long wait times for music and videos transfer. That too in specific mp3, mp4 and aac formats.


macrumors 68020
Feb 22, 2015
UFS 2.1 memory cards are capable of ~175MB/s writes. And yes Huawei and Samsung have capability, part of SD 835 SoC.


macrumors 68000
Nov 2, 2008
128GB is plenty for me. My music library, etc. I would still be able to live with 64GB if that had been an option, since I have 75GB free.

And if I didn't store my music on the phone, I could barely fit in 32GB. So no incentive to go with 256GB.


macrumors 65816
Mar 21, 2010
If I'm already spending $869 on a phone, might as well pop down one more C Note and get the 256GB ultimate edition and then just not think about storage. With 256GB, I can have more storage freedom and not have to worry about space constraints.


macrumors 65816
Dec 9, 2012
My work notebook has a 120GB SSD. It's sitting at under 50% as I store most stuff either in my personal online storage or the one provided by my company.

Guess that answers the question from my POV. :D
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