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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 9, 2017
Unable to connect to 5GHz bandwidth?
Anyone else unable to connect. It used to work I swear.
Have done all the basics. Even removing my vpn.

Chuck Kostalnick

macrumors regular
Jun 2, 2015
Denver, Colorado
Have done all the basics. Even removing my vpn.
Considering a VPN won't impact whether or not you can connect to a 2.4Ghz or 5Ghz network, I'd say that step could be skipped the next time you troubleshoot your network issues.

1. Restart router.
2. Reset phone.
Step 0 - Verify if other devices can connect. If they too are having issues, proceed to step 1 in Niek's list.

If other devices are working fine, skip step 1 and move to step 2. And if step 2 doesn't resolve the issue, here are two additional steps to try:

3. "Forget Network" and attempt to connect again.
4. "Reset Network Settings" on your iPhone. This will forget all network details, and in certain instances, may resolve connectivity issues. This option is a bit extreme, but that's why it is the last on my list of steps ^.^
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