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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jul 14, 2008
Charlotte, NC
So yesterday I was at the Apple store and when I made an appointment my name popped up on the screen and everyone else's iPhone / iTouch who was working in the store instantly. Now we all know how awesome Apple is, especially their stores which is why I know that everyone knows what I am talking about. My question is how do I do that on my phone between me and my wife (we both own the 3G version)? Also I can't seem to share my iCal with her via our phones any advice? Thanks team
Here is how I do it:

I created a few calendars on Google (work, personal, wifey). I give my wife access to my shared calendar (wifey). I set up the iphone calendar to sync with Google calendar and contacts. Now when I or my wife adds an appt to Google calendar or the iphone calendar, we both get it. Hope this helps.
See I am using MobileMe and so is my wife. Can it be done that way? Also can I make the calenders on my iPhone and have them shared through my iPhone as well instead on creating them on a home MacBook?
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