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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 23, 2008
Forgive me if there is a more appropriate forum to post this question.

I think the iPhone 3G can help me locate my elderly / forgetful Mother if the apps are VERY SIMPLE to use. She loves her independence but she does get lost while driving sometimes. My plan involves buying 2 iPhone 3G's (one for me and one for her). I want to be able to locate her at any given time without her having to update her location.

I have researched the social networking and navigation apps, and can't find enough details to determine if one will fit the bill. Having never used an iPhone myself, I am also concerned about her embracing it (she doesn't like cell phones much).

If anyone reading this can confirm an app for me that can let me track her without her participation, I would be most grateful for your input.

Also, has anyone seen the older generation use an iPhone? Do they manage ok?

Thanks in advance for your comments!
There has to be a better way to keep your mom from getting lost than buying her a $200 cell phone that costs a minimum of $70+taxes/month.
there is no way that their will be an app that will be able to track someone else...first off i dont know if its even possible, second if an app such as that came out it would be an invasion of privacy. You say you will be using it for this good cause, but that doesnt mean others will
There are cell phones that do this that would be cheaper for you. Check out this site, it sounded cool. And it said you could track location via the web. So if it does that, and you had an iphone you could punch the GPS coordinates into Google maps and see where she was on the map.
Thanks for the input folks. Until you have an elderly one to watch over, you really don't know how good this technology may help everyone concerned.

Speedracer04 - There are friend-finder apps are there not? All I want is one that doesn't have to be maintained as much as the typical ones do. In the keynote presentation, Loopt was shown as a good friend-finder app., but I understand there are allot of SMS charges.

dancavallaro - the iPhone is also an interesting choice because of MobileMe. I can put her DR appointments on her calendar and make calling / finding her contacts easily as well. Right?
Thanks for the input folks. Until you have an elderly one to watch over, you really don't know how good this technology may help everyone concerned.

Speedracer04 - There are friend-finder apps are there not? All I want is one that doesn't have to be maintained as much as the typical ones do. In the keynote presentation, Loopt was shown as a good friend-finder app., but I understand there are allot of SMS charges.

dancavallaro - the iPhone is also an interesting choice because of MobileMe. I can put her DR appointments on her calendar and make calling / finding her contacts easily as well. Right?

This application may be useful for you:

It wont track track her position autometically, but she can send you her current location via e-mail though the app.

Instantly email your current location. The email contains a link that when clicked, takes you into Google Maps and shows your exact location. Friends trying to find where you're at? Hit "Share" and email it to them, they can pull your exact location right up and get directions.
There has to be a better way to keep your mom from getting lost than buying her a $200 cell phone that costs a minimum of $70+taxes/month.
Ummm there's no price too high on finding your mommy. I'd do it in a heartbeat if need be.

OP: I'll look more when I get home because I too am curious but I thouht loopt was good despite the SMS charges.
cualexander - I appreciate the link. Their phone is $185 and it's a prepaid plan through Boost. I called the number listed and it seems bogus, so I couldn't ask how much the minutes cost. There are probably other services like that too. I'll keep researching. Thanks.

riyadc - Thanks. There's got to be something out there that doesn't require an email or SMS. Doesn't there? It's got to be super-simple.
riyadc - Thanks. There's got to be something out there that doesn't require an email or SMS. Doesn't there? It's got to be super-simple.

When you start having programs that track where people are without their participation, things would start to get really dicey as far as privacy issues go. (Would you want Apple to know where YOU are continuously?) I realize your intentions are 100% innocent and pure, but you're probably not the majority.

Most finder programs tend to require participation on both sides, she would likely need to do some kind of action for you to locate her.
DeaconGraves - I understand the privacy issue. Nobody wants Big Brother watching their every move. I think I could get her to participate by pushing an icon to enable tracking, but that's about as much as I could expect her to be comfortable with (not exactly technical, even if she is only 78) :). Thanks.
Check the local McDonald's in the A.M., and VFW or fire station for Bingo Night in the P.M.

Just kidding ;), good luck in your search.
Arf, arf, arf. Severely helpful. You must understand, I have researched everywhere for about 3 weeks before deciding to post anywhere. We all know the technology is at our fingertips, but I guess someone will need to develop "Blue Haired Friend Finder" for iPhone. I think there just might be a market for this..
I think I found what you are looking for! It's by sprint, and I don't know if their service is compatible with the iphone(your mom would have to have Sprint of course, but I don't think you would), but it sounds really cool to be honest. They claim it works with any web-enabled phone, but their main site chastised me for using Safari on my macbook and made me use firefox. Their service site may be more friendly.


Hope this helps.
wouldnt the easiest thing be somethign like the verizon chaparon system where you can call her phone and it'll tell you where that phone is?
Get her a flare gun.

Now Mum - if you get lost, point this up in the air and shoot, Batman will come to get you.
I think I found what you are looking for! It's by sprint, and I don't know if their service is compatible with the iphone(your mom would have to have Sprint of course, but I don't think you would), but it sounds really cool to be honest. They claim it works with any web-enabled phone, but their main site chastised me for using Safari on my macbook and made me use firefox. Their service site may be more friendly.


Hope this helps.

cualexander - I really appreciate your input. The Sprint Family Locator is very cool but only half of what I need. I currently have Sprint service and my signal is really weak at her house. Another important factor is the MobileMe-like qualities for adding contacts and appointments to her phone. Thanks!!
Check out this website:

It would only solve half your problem - where your mother is (it is a small GPS unit) but it might work.

The other part, dr appts, etc., would be on the phone.

Sorry not more help!:eek:
Check out this website:

It would only solve half your problem - where your mother is (it is a small GPS unit) but it might work.

The other part, dr appts, etc., would be on the phone.

Sorry not more help!:eek:

oldimac - I had no idea there were so many varieties of GPS locators. Now, if I could just find an iPhone app to do something similar. Thanks.
Does anyone know who or where the diffinitive authority on iPhone Applications is? Sifting through the reviews at the apps store doesn't really help that much. Thanks to all who responded.
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