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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 16, 2010
Chicagoland, IL
Why are all my iTunes apps required to be downloaded onto my HD in iTunes? Isn't it good enough that it's all stored w/purchase info etc on the cloud? iTunes also keeps trying to update my apps but shouldn't the most recent update already be present on iCloud?

There always seems to be a huge queue of apps wanting to be downloaded and updated but updates fail because of time outs.

Purchased items on iPhone want to get transferred to iTunes and when I click yes and do it, it fails for some reason.

Streaming from iCloud from the iPhone is actually more reliable than playing iTunes on the main computer as sometimes, playback just stops...

Anyone know of any ideas why this is all happening? Storage is on a Drobo FS NAS.
Go into your iTunes preferences and tell it to not automatically download apps (or music, or movies) from your purchases - there's an option for that.
Go into your iTunes preferences and tell it to not automatically download apps (or music, or movies) from your purchases - there's an option for that.

Do you then delete all apps off of your iTunes? Will it still show them only as 'downloadable' from iCloud as music does when you are viewing it from a device that doesn't have it preloaded?
You can safely remove apps your hard drive. On your iOS device(s) (assuming you're signed into the app Store with the same Apple ID), open App Store, switch to "Updates", select "Purchased" and choose "Not on this iPhone" (or other device) and it will list all of the apps you can download direct to your device. One tap on the cloud icon and it installs.

The only potential drawback to removing it from your hard drive is that if the app ever gets pulled from the store, you will be unable to re-download it. (Ditto for movies, music, or anything else though.)
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