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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 4, 2009
York, UK
My iPhone keeps randomly asking me to enter my Hotmail password. I figured this is an iOS 10 issue as it was happening on both my iPhone 5 and now on my iPhone 7 (both set up as new phones). There's no pattern to it just a random pop up prompting me to either go into settings or cancel.

Anyone else getting this?
I get this every few weeks. Very annoying and boring as I can never remember it so have to go to safari and refresh my memory.

I want my phone to remember things so I don't have to enter them but clearly the iPhone has short term memory loss.
I get it every once in a while also - probably not every week but every couple at least and it has happened with several previous IOS versions so I don't think it is an IOS10 issue. More likely some MS issue occasionally refusing connection
If you have 2-factor authentication on you may need to change that password for your devices - my associated apps on restored devices are often seen as new apps. Updating the portal I have with a newly-generated 2-factor authentication password for the apps I want to connect to always fixes this headache for me... Good luck.
It's odd, on the 5 I was getting prompted every 3-4 days at random times. Yesterday was the first time in a week of using the 7. I've deleted and re-added the account to Mail to see that helps.

Funny thing is I'd say Mail on iOS 10 seems buggy in general, it doesn't always mark emails as read or load content properly (worse so if you open an email straight from the lock screen). I often have to toggle accounts on and off and quit/restart to get it to play nice.

I know Hotmail can be a PITA but I've always stuck by it as with a relatively common name I've struggle to get a decent address with others! It's also a pain that you can't use iCloud without reliance on another email!
It was happening to me a couple of weeks ago and I read that was changing it's platform and accounts where being transferred at small batches.

So, if you enter at and watch at the top left and see Outlook Mail instead of it means that your account has been migrated to the new platform.

This is important.

I had to delete my account from both my Mac and my iPhone and then add them as Exchange accounts. I generated a new set of app passwords and now everything works better.

I also haven't been asked for my password for at least 2 weeks.
It was happening to me a couple of weeks ago and I read that was changing it's platform and accounts where being transferred at small batches.

So, if you enter at and watch at the top left and see Outlook Mail instead of it means that your account has been migrated to the new platform.

This is important.

I had to delete my account from both my Mac and my iPhone and then add them as Exchange accounts. I generated a new set of app passwords and now everything works better.

I also haven't been asked for my password for at least 2 weeks.
I see mine says 'Outlook Email' in Safari so it looks like I'm on the new platform. Will have to have a play setting up when I get home. What's weird is when I got my new MacBook earlier in the year, the Exhange option wouldn't work in Mail, I had to set Hotmail up as an imap account under 'Other'.
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