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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 1, 2008
so i have an iphone. since last sunday. and i downloaded the aim app. but i'm curious to know if my conversations and the people i talk to show up on the bill. for example, if i talked to jackbrown and that's his screenname, will jackbrown show up on my bill? please and thank you.
so what will show up?
just internet usage?
i don't understand what you mean.
so it'll just show up as data usage? no specifics whatsoever as to who i talked to or what i talked about?
Boy, you sure are tryin hard to hide something. ;)

How would AT&T know who you are talking to through AOLs servers? The answer is now, no names will show up. It will show up as data usage like ilfn143 said.
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