Has anyone had there iPhone 3g camera fail? My camera app opens but the screen is just black and the camera button will not highlight. It does register when I turn the phone from portrait to landscape, and I can hit the photo buton to take me in and out of the camera roll. I can also still take screen shots. I tried doing a restore last night with no luck. Thought I might try doing a restore and not reloading my latest back up before I take it to the Apple Store.
Has anyone had this happen or know how to fix it? Thx.
Has anyone had there iPhone 3g camera fail? My camera app opens but the screen is just black and the camera button will not highlight. It does register when I turn the phone from portrait to landscape, and I can hit the photo buton to take me in and out of the camera roll. I can also still take screen shots. I tried doing a restore last night with no luck. Thought I might try doing a restore and not reloading my latest back up before I take it to the Apple Store.
Has anyone had this happen or know how to fix it? Thx.