I recently bought I use iphone that was factory reset. When I plug it on itune, I don't have any option other than updating and restauring it. The sync button is grayed out and there is no backup or cases to check under summary. ( sync on wifi ect.. )
Here's what I tried and didn't work:
- I rebooted both my computors and my iphone
- I tried without the sim card.
- I tried to set it up as new iphone
- I tried to sync it with windows on my VMware. ( I get the summaries option but itune cashed before getting to add content )
- I tried to downgrade Itune 12 from 11
- I tried to turn off my Icloud
- I tried this command ( I was desperate )
sh-3.2# defaults write com.apple.iTunes DeviceBackupsDisabled -bool false
sh-3.2# defaults write com.apple.iTunes AutomaticDeviceBackupsDisabled -bool false
I am waiting for a call from the apple service but I really doub they will relolve the real problem.
*** You have to know that before I bought the new phone, it worked proprely. Problem happened wiith both phone at the very moment I connected the new one to itune ****
I'm running Yosemit 10.10.1 && One on my phone as iOS 8.0.2 and the other one as iOS 7.XX && Itunes was 12, became 11 and re-updated to 12
I recently bought I use iphone that was factory reset. When I plug it on itune, I don't have any option other than updating and restauring it. The sync button is grayed out and there is no backup or cases to check under summary. ( sync on wifi ect.. )
Here's what I tried and didn't work:
- I rebooted both my computors and my iphone
- I tried without the sim card.
- I tried to set it up as new iphone
- I tried to sync it with windows on my VMware. ( I get the summaries option but itune cashed before getting to add content )
- I tried to downgrade Itune 12 from 11
- I tried to turn off my Icloud
- I tried this command ( I was desperate )
sh-3.2# defaults write com.apple.iTunes DeviceBackupsDisabled -bool false
sh-3.2# defaults write com.apple.iTunes AutomaticDeviceBackupsDisabled -bool false
I am waiting for a call from the apple service but I really doub they will relolve the real problem.
*** You have to know that before I bought the new phone, it worked proprely. Problem happened wiith both phone at the very moment I connected the new one to itune ****
I'm running Yosemit 10.10.1 && One on my phone as iOS 8.0.2 and the other one as iOS 7.XX && Itunes was 12, became 11 and re-updated to 12