I Phone 4s Message Apps
I have tried many in t he two or so months Ive had the iPhone. Having used a Droid since that first luggy brown one, I have used countless brands Droid attempts. Anyway, one thing I realize spoiled me is the GChat Apps for Droid, which makes sense since its Google's world over there.
Anyway, I tried about all the apps for chatting I saw, avoiding some of the pricey ones that didn't have great reviews.
I settled on Meebo after growing too irritated with discovering and re discovering the failings of each. However, I have grown fed up now with Meebo and the problem it seems is its relationship with Facebook, which is no surprise giving how historically difficult FBook's chat functions have been with each update seeming to make it all worse. Nonetheless, when i have Meebo connected to my Fbook, it seems to overwhelm it too often into crashing when I attempt to access new messages it says i have, even if they are google.
So I either leave my Fbook account signed off to be able to GChat or risk missing some messages, in a timely fashion at least.
Now I seek an alternative if anyone has suggestions?
Thank You.