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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 1, 2010
earth, for now.
Ok, so this is something I think would come in handy for iFile, or whatever.

iFile for the iPad basically looks like the Finder on MAC OS X, which is great. Fills that void for users who like the idea of seeing all directories and files.


I know that with the iPad Camera Connection Kit, you can plug in your iPhone through the USB doggle, and transfer your videos and photos from the iPhone onto the iPad with ease.

DiskAid is an application for the Windows & MAC environment that lets a user access all of the directories on the iDevice, and the ability to add/copy/delete...etc.


As it stands right now, you cannot plug the iPhone into the iPad and access all of the files and directories, that you can on a computer.

My suggestion is this - that iFile incorperate such feature, that is very similiar to DiskAid, into it's app, that way users who have both the iPhone and iPad can truely be connected without any other means by using another computer.


Why would I want this feature? - Simple. The ability to access the iPhones Directory FROM the iPad that way you can add/copy/remove files, besides Photos and Videos, which is capable through the Photos App on the iPad. I'm talking 100% access to transfer any type of file between the two iDevices.

Just sharing my thoughts. Thanks for reading. Hopefully I got my 'idea' across... :) But if I didn't.. leave a comment and Ill try and explain my idea better. :)
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