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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 13, 2008
Hello all.

Well I am having no end of troubles even getting the download to begin with 5.1

I am running Lion, on a 27inch iMac i7, I have updated with all the latest software including todays releases. From here I attempted to update my iPhone 4s 16GB White and am seeing the message in iTunes. (connected via usb)

"Contacting the iPhone software update server"

So far I have

-Disabled Little Snitch

-Repaired permissions

-Dropped Wifi and switched to ethernet

-Rebooted Twice

-Cache cleaned ( CCleaner )

I am at a loss as to the cause of this issue, my iPhone is NOT jailbroken nor has ever been.

I sincerely hope someone can help me sort this.

Had the same issue earlier. MBP running 10.7.3 trying to update my 4s to 5.1.

The issue lasted for about an hour of trying for me. It seems like it is lasting longer for you, but hopefully not too much longer.

It seems as it's just an overloaded server. I turned off my firewall, updated iTunes and rebooted my computer several times, but to no avail. It just took time and patience.

Good luck, hopefully you can update soon!
Had the same issue earlier. MBP running 10.7.3 trying to update my 4s to 5.1.

The issue lasted for about an hour of trying for me. It seems like it is lasting longer for you, but hopefully not too much longer.

It seems as it's just an overloaded server. I turned off my firewall, updated iTunes and rebooted my computer several times, but to no avail. It just took time and patience.

Good luck, hopefully you can update soon!

Hey! thanks for the info. I'll try again later I am UK based so I guess all the people in the US are updating atm.

Just wanting to follow this up, it's now 4am and while finishing some paperwork I attempted to update my iPhone 4S white 16GB once more and again facing the same issue.

Anyone else with this problem in the UK :confused:
Yes, however when I go into update I get

"an error occurred while checking for a software update"

Iphone 4s White 16gb on Wifi.
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I'm having the same issue and in the UK. Three iPads, two iPhone 4, 3 ATV's and one iPod. All doing the same.

I'm downloading the full files from the front page as I can't be arsed waiting any longer :D
Full files? I must have missed something could you please post/pm the url?

I had the same issue and I just solved it. Well - not exactly solved, but still found the reason. The problem is really somehow connected to your IP address. My iPhone 3GS also could not get update, so what I did - I disabled Wifi and checked for updates again. Then finally update appeared, still - as you know - you have to be on Wifi network to install updates. I turned on Wifi back - and again update is not accessible.
As I am iOS developer, I also tried to download the update from - still also there download is even not starting, therefore I assume, that problem is somehow connected with ours internet service providers and web address routing tables.
I hope Apple will solve it, still if you need a sooner update, then simply find some other ISP with other IP address.
It's definitely a DNS issue.

This is what I did to work around it....

My DNS setting is which is my DSL modem. I changed it to Google's DNS server at

When I did this, the message "Contacting the iPad...." immediately went away and it started to download.

Hope this helps!!! :)
It is a DNS issue
changing your DNS server or adding the following to your host file will resolve the issue
DNS workaround worked

It's definitely a DNS issue.
This is what I did to work around it....
Hope this helps!!! :)
Thanks, Jakesteramma I had gotten very frustrated but your suggestion allowed me to download and install iOS 5.1!
Finally this worked.
Added to host file and updated per iTunes on my iMac.
It's definitely a DNS issue.

This is what I did to work around it....

My DNS setting is which is my DSL modem. I changed it to Google's DNS server at

When I did this, the message "Contacting the iPad...." immediately went away and it started to download.

Hope this helps!!! :)

This also worked for an OTA update on my iPad2. Changed the DNS to
hi guys I have tried all of the above but still no joy, the crazy thing is that when I went to Starbucks today around the corner from home I could download the update on the free wifi not enough data for all of it though :(
I am in Auckland New Zealand
This also worked for an OTA update on my iPad2. Changed the DNS to

Same here on my iPhone, iPad and Apple TV. This seems to be the fix.

So bizarre, my network will not get any iOS updates (everything else is fine, iTunes App store etc) from any source including direct download links. Jump onto the next door neighbours wifi and its fine.

hi guys I have tried all of the above but still no joy, the crazy thing is that when I went to Starbucks today around the corner from home I could download the update on the free wifi not enough data for all of it though :(
I am in Auckland New Zealand

I expect the servers are getting hammered..
I'm near Levin.. no joy here either.
Try again tomorrow.
I have the same problem on my Mac so will update my hosts file.

If any of you have Windows installed under Bootcamp - try it that way (using direct download links to the IPSW files). Works perfectly :eek:
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A405 Safari/7534.48.3)

Same here my iPhone knows there is update, but my iPad 2 can not connect to the update server. I also get a error message say it has failed
I've been trying to update since yesterday OTA and on my Mac Mini..... both are just getting errors with no luck...... any ideas?? :confused:

I'm in the Quad Cities, IL, USA
Can anyone document a step by step process of how to do this? Please :)

Please! I've tried to follow the directions, but no joy. I can't get past the "contacting the iPhone/iPad software update server" and I've been trying for 2 days.

Please! I've tried to follow the directions, but no joy. I can't get past the "contacting the iPhone/iPad software update server" and I've been trying for 2 days.


Nevermind! I hadn't closed my Preferences window, so the changes had not been applied. Applied them (DNS to, and am downloading with no problem.
Ok for the benefit of anyone googling for it this is the step by step process i've just used for OS X Lion

1. Open system preferences,
2. Click on Network
3. Highlight WIFI (should be at the top of the list) and click ADVANCED on the bottom right)
4. Go to the DNS tab and make a note of your current DNS Server in case you want to change it back
5. Click the + button and type
6. Click OK
7. Click Apply
8. Try and download the software again.
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