My contacts aren't synching from Lion to my 3GS on IOS 5. My iPhone has an older list of contact information that is not being updated when I add new contacts to Address Book. The same is true when adding new contacts on my iPhone. None of the new contacts are being synched either way. The older list from my iPhone is what is on iCloud online.
This problem persists using iCloud and/or iTunes.
I logged out of iCloud on both the iPhone and my MacBook. This is an attempt to remove iCloud from the problem. the problem could be with IOS 5 or it could be with Lion. I'll start with Lion.
I set up synch to just use iTunes. The problem continues.
I attempted to remove all contacts from my iPhone and put them back just using iTunes as follows:
In iTunes, I UN-checked "SYNCH ADDRESS BOOK CONTENTS" and then selected "Remove all contact information from iPhone". That function worked as all contact information was removed from my iPhone during the synch.
I re-checked "SYNCH ADDRESS BOOK CONTENTS" and then synched again. The OLD contact list re-populated on my iPhone. None of the new contacts added to AddressBook on my MacBook were synched to my iPhone.
This indicates that the synching process is using an old AddressBook contact list from several days ago instead of the current AddressBook list. It could be a disconnect between the iPhone and AddressBook through either iTunes, AddressBook, or IOS 5.
I deleted a contact off of the iPhone and performed a synch. The contact remained on the MacBook after the synch and remained off of the iPhone.
At this point I'm continuing to troubleshoot AddressBook.
The MetaData folder (User/library/application support/addressbook) containing all "vcards" seems to be the folder containing current addressbook contact files. I verified this by opening one of the new vcards in this folder using Text Edit. It contained the info for a new contact. This is the contact info I used for further troubleshooting. For reference purposes, it contains info for a Holiday Inn hotel in New York.
Next, I quit AddressBook and removed the Holiday Inn vcard file from the MetaData folder to see if this folder is the only location of AddressBook contacts. I figure that contact would be missing when I removed the vcard file. It wasn't. When AddressBook opened, it showed the Holiday Inn contact and instantly recreated a new file for the Holiday Inn vcard file which I previously I removed from the metadata folder. The file has the same exact name as the file I removed.
So AddressBook uses a different unknown location to store contact vcard files in addition to the metadata folder. Why does AddressBook have redundant data in two (at least) places? Since both locations have the latest contact data, there is a third location that contains older data that is being synched to my iPhone. That third location may actually be on the iPhone itself, but I don't know.
I shutdown all network services to see if AddressBook was still using iCloud to store and retrieve contact data even though I turned iCloud off. It wasn't.
That's all I have time for today.
Does anyone know where AddressBook keeps it's contact files now? (Other than the metadata folder)
I'll look more tomorrow,