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macrumors member
Original poster
May 31, 2009
Hi june 2009
Just went trought a long and painfull troubleshooting with Apple tech support...
Like many other poeples on the web, my iphone suddenly happen to froze up itunes everytime i connect it.
Look Goggle long time and spend many many hours with apple...
Every step along the way... everything they ask me to do went unsuccessful..(resetting the device... changing confin on the phone.. reinstalling itunes . sending them log on the crash etc... all produce the same effect.....nothing.

i found the solution
... using my iphone, i came across a podcast that cannot open and after deleting all the podcast.. all thing went perfect VOILA!
hope to help at least one...
thanks!! this worked a treat.

this happened to me and i thought i had tried everything. even took my ibook and iphone into the apple store and the guys there just concluded that my hard drive must be faulty.

thanks again for posting the advice
I'm having this problem but I can't even get my iphone to connect without freezing so I can't actually delete anything.

I'm starting to get really frustrated.
I'm having the same problem, and I thought I was freezing up my iTunes... It's actually not frozen, just REALLY slow... Whenever I go to sync, it takes about 20 minutes b4 i see "Syncing iPhone" appear on my iPhone... I don't have any podcasts, so IDK what the problem is, and I just haven't put any energy into calling them and figuring out the problem...

I had the same problem. Any time I tried to connect with iTunes it just spun and froze. I deleted 90% of my podcasts and then it recognized the phone.
I had the same problem. Any time I tried to connect with iTunes it just spun and froze. I deleted 90% of my podcasts and then it recognized the phone.

You can Delete Podcasts by swaping your finger over the podcast's headers. just like deleting email....
I'm having this problem but I can't even get my iphone to connect without freezing so I can't actually delete anything.

I'm starting to get really frustrated.

You can Delete Podcasts by swaping your finger over the podcast's headers. just like deleting email....
Custommm is offline Reply With Quote
I am having this problem too - with Windows Vista. I have had it work, but after not sync'ing for a few days now it just locks up iTunes when I plug in my 3GS. I check the task manager and it say iTunes is not responsive. I have no podcasts and I deleted my voice memos (read that somewhere too). I have already re-installed iTunes once last week due to this. My PC sees the 3GS as a USB drive though.

Don't think it can be just slow if task manager has not responsive, can it? I read a thread on Apple in the Support Community that the USB driver was bad and there should be a fix soon. But when, who knows.
iphone 3g freezes up

i have an iphone 3g 16gb white with 3.0 04.26.08 firware just updated it and it freezes everytime i startup and even if it startup sucessfully it freezes up later. i have done countless restores but it does the same thing. please i need assistance. thanks
OK, I finally got 8.2 to work - I don't know how, I just keep trying and it finally worked. Now the new update does not work - iTunes freezes when I plug the 3GS in. Works fine before, but once the iPhone is plugged in it freezes - whether I had the 3GS plugged in before or after launching iTunes.

Had a friend with this same issue after downloading several podcasts. He deleted them and iTunes no longer locks up when he plugs in his phone. Thanks!
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