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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Nov 20, 2007
Ok I jailbroken and unlocked my original Iphone to 2.1 FW using Quickpwn. I installed a bunch of Apps from Cydia and Installer but now it seems like its been crashing quite a bit espcially when I open up the Winterboard application. Is this normal?:confused:

Your opinion really matters. Thanks
How about more information...

Define what you mean by, "Crashing."

Does it crash to the springboard?

Does it reboot the phone?

Does the screen freeze?

Does it get stuck on the Apple logo?

Also, is it consistent, or is it random?
How about more information...

Define what you mean by, "Crashing."It freezes up as soon as I click an application. Also it will re-spring and will go on a safe mode with a message saying one of the apps has failed bla bla bla and now its doing a safe mode bla bla bla

Does it crash to the springboard? Yes it does.

Does it reboot the phone? It doesn't reboot instead it does a soft re-spring

Does the screen freeze? It does a soft re-spring after the frozen state.

Does it get stuck on the Apple logo? Sort of... I did noticed yesterday that when I click the call app, it takes me to the call menu screen and when I click recent calls or contacts, it doesnt do anything so I did a hard reset but was stucked in the apple logo. Waited for 20 mins but was still stucked so I restored the phone thru Itunes again, use Quickpwn, jailbroke and unlocked it again. Now it's freezing up again.

Also, is it consistent, or is it random?
Its consistent. Eversince I restore and jailbroke it again, it's doing the same errors.
Do you have Intelliscreen installed?

I experienced some of what you're describing with Intelliscreen, and since I uninstalled it, I've had no problems.

How about Kate? I've read that many people have had numerous problems with that program.

If you have either of those installed, perhaps you should try removing them.

Otherwise, what else have you added? Anything beyond the typical apps or functions?

Have you installed anything using Installer, or have you stuck with Cydia only?

Installer is known to be buggy.
I never use anything from installer, but last night I notice an update for it so I gave it a try. My phone is now locked up on the boot up screen and can't be seen by itunes.

I'm going to reinstall itunes and see if I can get a restore done. But I guess now I know to NEVER even touch the 'installer' icon :(. Hope I get my phone up and running.
Ok the moment I jailbroke and unlocked my phone, I started downloading some apps... Vwallpaper, Winterboard, Tmobile carrier logo, Phonezap, Cycorder and Fring instant messaging.

I went in the Phonezap application and there was few people complaining about their phone going on a safe mode after it freezes up. One guy if I could recall said the safemode is part of Cydia so when your phone freezes, it goes on a safemode just like on a PC. Now, I don't know what application triggers the freezing part but I do know that I have ran apps like Phonezap, Fring, Tmobile carrier logo etc on 1.1.4 without any problem.

I suspect that Winterboard or Vwallpaper is the culprit. I would like to install Summberboard in replacement of Winterboard. How do I install Summer board on Cydia? I can't seem to find it? Do you know the repository for this?
Hahaaaaa! I think I solved my problem... Upon reading the winterboard menu,there is a bug that as soon as you install it, it randomly crashes and re-spring.

So, when I deleted it, the problem went away!!!
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