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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 15, 2008
Looks like the dev team released QuickPwn -

Windows only beta that can JailBreak your iPhone quickly without requiring building a custom ipsw and the whole restore through iTunes in DFU bit. If anyone tries this, please post your results here (I'm way too paranoid to try this on mine even though I badly want to pwn it to get netshare or 3proxy on it).

iPhone 3G - tried it, works. I prefer the old way though because I like custom images.
Ok, so I'm new to jailbreaking, unllocking, and hacking. There are many things I don't get and this is one of them. Is this the REAL dev team that releases these tools?
Does this give the pineapple?

Yeah - that's an interesting question. Do you get the pineapple by doing it this way? If so, I'd rather go with the custom image.

so by doing it this way you have to have the pinapple logo? I hope not
No, its just a jailbreak I think.. tell ya the truth I forgot to check lol... Im pretty sure its a standard jailbreak with no custom images set.
QuickPWN needs to be on 2.0.1 - does this mean...

The one other thing that bothers me is that the dev team says not to upgrade 3G to 2.0.1 since a baseband upgrade might now allow it to be unlocked when they release the unlock. Then they go about and release QuickPWN which *needs* your phone to be on 2.0.1

"Warning: If you care about the possibility of a GSM/3G unlock in the future (there is no unlock available as yet), do not update your 3G device with iTunes unless you do it via PwnageTool 2.0.2 (this means you’ll need to create a custom .ipsw with PwnageTool 2.0.2 and install it using iTunes) - If you have updated over the last few days with iTunes, you’ll still be able to Jailbreak using PwnageTool 2.0.2 but it may reduce the chance of you being able to unlock the Phone to be able to use a SIM card from all carriers in the future."
Looks like the logos get pwned as well :(

Looked at their command line -

quickpwn "iPhone1,2_2.0.1_5B108_Restore.ipsw" n82ap -b logo.png -r recovery.png Cydia.tar.gz

The included logo.png and recovery.png are indeed the pineapple and pissed-off steve. Looks like this will overlay the bootimages with these images and if u r unlucky to have an unrecoverable error (caused by hardware malfunction, not quickpwn) and get stuck on these logos, you are out of luck :(

I wish they didn't do this. I wonder if it's as simple as changing the command in the bat to

quickpwn "iPhone1,2_2.0.1_5B108_Restore.ipsw" n82ap Cydia.tar.gz

to retain all original boot images?
I've never jailbroken any phone yet, but I was thinking about trying this out tonight so I've been trying to read up a bit.

But let me get this straight. When you jailbreak using winpwn (I have windows) you can choose to use the new bootup images or not, but if you DO, and you have a problem, those images are stuck there and you can't get warranty on the phone through apple. So, you should choose not to have them, right? But if you use the quickpwn tool, unless editing the .bat works, you will get the pics, which means problem = bye bye warranty?

So can anyone confirm whether not the above command quickpwn "iPhone1,2_2.0.1_5B108_Restore.ipsw" n82ap Cydia.tar.gz will NOT put on the changed bootup images?
Has anyone tried this with an unactivated 2.0.1 phone? I assume it will activate it while jailbreaking?
Has anyone tried this with an unactivated 2.0.1 phone? I assume it will activate it while jailbreaking?

I think I've almost found my answer in the dev team's comments section:

I've quickpwned my iPhone with 2.0.0 (5A347) using the latest 2.0.1 (5B108) and had not to restore or to activate. All appstore apps are fully functional, no data lost. BR

But would this iPhone have remained activated simply because it was activated on 2.0 prior to the QuickPwn upgrade? Thoughts anyone?
The included logo.png and recovery.png are indeed the pineapple and pissed-off steve. [...] I wish they didn't do this.

At this point, why not just use WinPwn or Pwnage Tool... You sound tech-savvy enough to easily use them, and it's not like they're that burdensome. Plus, as mentioned, once you run them, you have a custom IPSW that you can save and re-use as often as you want without having to use the Pwnage tool at all again until the next update.

It really sounds to me like this tool is appropriate maybe for people who are really not tech savvy and keep screwing up the Pwnage process. Whereas you're talking about settings in the expert mode of the full Pwnage tool. So I think the reality is this is just not directed to you.

Or should I display more sympathy for people who want to unlock / jailbreak their phone but don't consider it worth their time to read the abundantly available information that's all over the internet on the topic? :eek:
I am going to write a quick tutorial for quickpwn - and my thoughts on it if anyone wants to use it they can!
At this point, why not just use WinPwn or Pwnage Tool... You sound tech-savvy enough to easily use them, and it's not like they're that burdensome.

Because I'm terrified of 'bricking' my iPhone :eek: As in, permanently. The more I read, the more I see everyone saying that it is close to impossible to permanently damage it when JBing it, so that does give me some confidence. If Apple simply puts Netshare back on the AppStore, I wouldn't even bother to JB it for a year or so (plan to visit India then, so I will look into unlocking it then ;))

Also, doing this with this tool helps retain all the data (SMS, Calls) which I would lose if I setup the iPhone as a new phone after restore.

I think this paranoia stems from the original 'bricking' that Apple did when it release 1.1. Tons of JBroken people were deemed to be bricked then. I didn't own one then, so I didn't follow up, but were those phones ever put back into service by things like iBrickr or did they end up as shiny paperweights?

Those who have done this:

How long does it take? I'm on my fifth try here and it screws up one way or another each try.

The most common problem seems to be it just hangs after "Perfomring Operation 0, 100% done." It sat as long as twenty minutes before I yanked the plug at one point, because I'm reading in other blogs how it takes less than a minute...?

I was hoping not to have to do the whole Pwnage Tool thing because the restore process takes hours on my phone.
Also, doing this with this tool helps retain all the data (SMS, Calls) which I would lose if I setup the iPhone as a new phone after restore.

Actually, as long as the phone has been previously synced, you just right click on it in iTunes and select restore from backup. When I upgraded from 1.1.4 (jailbreaked using ZiPhone in the day) to 2.0.1 (jailbreaked using Pwnage 2.0.2), I restored from backup and got everything back.... It's very easy, and as you said, it's not going to break your iPhone....
Yeah, sorry, that's what I meant - are they the Apple iphone dev team? Or, am I missing something here.

No, they are not the "Apple" development team.

It's been a point of confusion for many people since day one; and a poor choice of names in many's opinion, though not necessarily mine.

The "Dev Team" is a group of hackers scattered around the world who are working in unison to provide the "pwnage tool" and related hacks.

They're generally recognized as "the best", but others, such as Zibri (another well known iPhone hacker) and their followings contend such claims.

I have no opinion of that either way, just repeating what some google searching would find for you.
The one other thing that bothers me is that the dev team says not to upgrade 3G to 2.0.1 since a baseband upgrade might now allow it to be unlocked when they release the unlock. Then they go about and release QuickPWN which *needs* your phone to be on 2.0.1

"Warning: If you care about the possibility of a GSM/3G unlock in the future (there is no unlock available as yet), do not update your 3G device with iTunes unless you do it via PwnageTool 2.0.2 (this means you’ll need to create a custom .ipsw with PwnageTool 2.0.2 and install it using iTunes) - If you have updated over the last few days with iTunes, you’ll still be able to Jailbreak using PwnageTool 2.0.2 but it may reduce the chance of you being able to unlock the Phone to be able to use a SIM card from all carriers in the future."

If you upgrade to 2.0.1 with pwned firmware, the modem will not be updated. If you upgrade to 2.0.1 with the official firmware, it will be.
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